Example sentences of "[prep] her [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Alain will be home in the morning , ’ Marguerite observed as she came to bid Jenna goodnight after her second day in bed .
2 Sadly she is recently widowed after her second marriage .
3 During the nineteen-twenties she spent some time in London , and after her second husband , Maurice Platner , died in 1929 she moved to Johannesburg , where she died in 1932 .
4 IN April 1917 , shortly after her nineteenth birthday , Jeanne Hébuterne was trying on her costume for the artists ' fancy dress ball during the Carnival .
5 On their first date she had shown Preston , with nonchalant pride , the scars where she had slashed her wrists a few days after her nineteenth birthday .
6 The man had started indecently assaulting his daughter when she was 13 , and progressed to intercourse shortly after her 15th birthday .
7 In sharp contrast , Goodall learnt about diplomacy early on , back in England after her first spell at Gombe .
8 Normally Cleo avoided his customers after her first inspection .
9 He remembered , suddenly , how she had looked when he had seen her after her first shock treatment , her lips bitten and bruised .
10 And after her first day 's work , which proved her promise that she liked housework , Peggy plied her with what was left of the Christmas fare .
11 The wicked mood of triumphant secret freedom which had come to her after her first performance of careful deliberate lying to Jack had , for the moment at any rate , left her .
12 ‘ That was in August , after her first heart attack . ’
13 After her first engagement at the Alice Springs School of the Air , she and her lady-in-waiting , Anne Beckwith-Smith consoled each other .
14 Lucy Lane had been working in his team for three years but he felt that he knew her only a little better than he had done after her first month .
15 The item to covet most is the earliest and the most extended , the whole of the Lucia di Lammermoor mad scene in the recording Sutherland made in 1959 soon after her first Covent Garden triumph when her voice was at its freshest .
16 Q My two-year-old mongrel bitch was spayed after her first season — when she was about six months old .
17 Prosser is top of the table after her first victory as a professional in Kuala Lumpur last weekend .
18 Diana immediately wanted to learn sign language after her first visit to a school for the deaf
19 After her first visit to Millie , Aggie returned home somewhat perplexed , and she said to Ben , ‘ I do n't know quite what to make of her .
20 It was a collection she had last seen in the hands of William Fosdyke , Signor Fixit , as he locked up the house after her first visit .
21 Diana returned after her first visit to Waco to go about recruiting Manchester Adventists using her father 's church membership lists .
22 Some six months after her First Communion she still felt very holy and full of Grace and ever aware of her Guardian Angel .
23 one lady said she was put off for life after her first kiss , and never kissed another man .
24 Soon after her first birthday , you 'll notice she 's beginning to imitate you , watching everything you do carefully so that she can start trying things out for herself .
25 Mrs Allen , 56 , who passed her driving test a week after her 17th birthday , wins a year 's free membership of the RAC 's Reflex scheme .
26 She had badgered her parents into letting her join the Women 's Auxiliary Territorial Service after her eighteenth birthday .
27 Her sister was fond of animals too , but had never had very much to do with them and had moved away from home just after her eighteenth birthday .
28 Winnie was the eldest — she died four years ago just after her eighteenth birthday .
29 The court heard that the girl is pregnant by him and the baby is due to be born shortly after her 16th birthday in two months .
30 The applicant did not wish to retire when she reached the age of 60 and that requirement was waived by the authority until shortly after her sixty-second birthday , when she was dismissed .
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