Example sentences of "[prep] so [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There were problems about so blatantly exposing homosexuality on the air .
2 The fact that it has been written about so perfectly inhibits my response to the place : I have no feelings about Tipasa , only to what Camus has written about it .
3 The case in fact that was put forward by the North Yorkshire County Council Highways and Traffic committee was in fact that the need as so clearly expressed by Mr is that it is the A fifty nine that needs the relief more than anything else an therefore the proposal is that the northern relief road be it an inner or an outer , be built first .
4 Lord John had hoped that his friend would accompany him , but he sensed how much Manvell despised him for so easily surrendering to Sharpe 's threat .
5 She was moving round the room at great speed for so heavily built a woman .
6 I thanked him in my head for so thoroughly putting paid to the past , at least for the moment .
7 ‘ My reasons for so soon destroying my drawings were these ; though I dare say that they do n't appear so rational to any one but myself : I was obliged to limit the work — in order to get more subscribers — & to erase the drawings — because the expense is considerable for keeping them on , & I have pretty great difficulty in paying my monthly charges , — for to pay colourer & printer monthly I am obstinately pre-possessed — since I had rather be at the bottom of the River Thames — than be one week in debt — be it never so small .
8 ‘ I thank you for the warning , sir , ’ Theda said demurely , ‘ and will hope to be forgiven for so wantonly playing the temptress . ’
9 By the time eleven o'clock ticked round Travis had started to slur his words , and Leith had grown quite cross with Sebastian for so freely upending the bottle each time Travis 's glass came anywhere near empty .
10 And in the pursuit he came up to King Yucef , and smote him three times : but the King escaped from under the sword , for the horse of the Cid passed on in his course , and when he turned , the King being on a fleet horse , was far off , so that he might not be overtaken ; and he got into a Castle called Guyera , for so far did the Christians pursue them , smiting and slaying , and giving them no respite , so that hardly fifteen thousand escaped of fifty that they were .
11 She had to find her own way to the bathroom and was pleased with herself for so quickly remembering that it lay at the end of the passage .
12 Government-approved ‘ mousetrap ’ had for so long banished regional English cheeses , for instance , that they were given up for dead .
13 The foregoing review has been necessary to demonstrate what now seems almost unbelievable ; that physical geography for so long contrived to ignore the significance of human activity and thence the potential which associated studies afford .
14 The old party structure , which for so long guaranteed the evolutionary character of our society , seems to me to have broken down …
15 Interesting too was the conclusion that BS5750 , for so long regarded as the quality benchmark for British industry , is out of date and no longer relevant to the demands of the current marketplace .
16 I hope that the constitution of the new SARFU will protect rugby 's new scheme of things from the power politics and feuding which for so long bedevilled our rugby .
17 Many Liberals were deeply unhappy that , in the name of fighting ‘ Prussianism ’ , Britain should adopt precisely the system of compulsory military service whose absence had for so long distinguished the ‘ freeborn Englishman ’ from the less fortunate citizens of continental states .
18 The belief in Britain 's power to do good in the world , which had for so long underpinned popular internationalism , no longer seemed tenable .
19 From October , with the birth of the British Athletics Federation ( BAF ) , British athletics should finally give the sport the constitution it has for so long struggled to devise .
20 He opened his eyes again and saw a vision of the land of milk and honey to which he and a small band of pioneers led by their Rabbi had for so long planned to emigrate .
21 The fact that the " adornment " theory was entertained for so long deserves some explanation and its appropriateness can not be altogether dismissed in the case of " artificial " styles cultivated by such Renaissance mannerists as Sidney and Lyly .
22 A recently released consultant 's report commissioned by the local authorities declared that the arrival of the Llangollen Railway in Corwen would be the single most important factor in the economic regeneration of the town which has for so long lived in the shadow of Llangollen , ten miles to the east .
23 Ludens made two journeys back to the house to bring remaining luggage , the suitcases which Irina had for so long kept packed , ready for the moment of escape .
24 That he satisfied so impatient and fastidious a monarch for so long says much for his efficiency and sensitivity .
25 Mounted on a white horse , he rode into the city which had for so long defied and denied him .
26 He was experiencing something utterly new for him : his first controlled passage into a geistzone under the guidance of an oolerinnen ; his first safe transit of the threshold for so long guarded by the bone , wood and bird-wing magic of the shaman .
27 The new Commonwealth was at least a genuinely voluntary union , and yet it was far from clear that it provided the answer to nationality differences that had for so long eluded the Gorbachev leadership .
28 Charles II took a personal interest it , matters relating to mining and it is reported that he united the old Mines Royal and the Soc. of Mineral & Battery Works which had for so long run as separate enterprises .
29 There were some , however , who thought that the invasion came too close to the active resistance which Tories and Anglicans had for so long condemned .
30 ‘ It can therefore be seen that variation from place to place in climax tropical lowland rain forest , which has for so long intrigued and challenged ecologists , is not open to any single or simple explanation .
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