Example sentences of "[prep] which [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It had taken her three full days and now they were to be carried downstairs and arranged in the hall , after which her sister would take them to the post office .
2 In Miller , in 1954 , the wife had petitioned for divorce , after which her husband attacked and raped her , causing her actual bodily harm .
3 Pakistani irregulars invaded Kashmir — then an independent kingdom ruled by a Hindu king — in October 1948 after which its ruler acceded to India and troops were moved in from New Delhi to check the invasion .
4 Seventy have been given refugee status and 240 have been allowed to stay for a year after which their cases will be reviewed .
5 A grim Panorama programme on BBC television on May 17th highlighted the problems of Britain 's increasingly insecure workforce : milkmen working longer hours for the same money , CD stackers sacked just before the two years after which their jobs would be legally protected , betting-shop workers thrown out if they refuse to work evenings .
6 The Cabinet included three pastors , Ebeling , the SPD leader Markus Meckel as Foreign Minister , and Rainer Eppelmann of DA , the new Disarmament and Defence Minister , who had spent eight months in prison in the early 1960s for refusing to do military service , after which his church in East Berlin became a centre of dissident opposition .
7 He attended schools in Bishop Auckland , Gainford , and Glasgow , after which his family connections helped him to gain entry to the music-hall , as a ‘ boy ’ comedian .
8 There was a brief stunned silence , and then the entire family went into fits of laughter ; after which my husband remarked that the wine was n't cold enough and maybe we should get a new fridge .
9 The pension can be drawn in full for the first eight weeks in hospital , after which your parent will be notified that it will be reduced by a few pounds ( for the exact amount of the reduction see the current issue of leaflet NI9 ) .
10 For example , some offer a 30 per cent reduction in the first year , after which your payments increase by five per cent a year .
11 Right , you 've got 75 seconds , after which your handsets will start to ring , with an external ring for some reason , but it 's an external ring .
12 As with everything , you have to get used to the medium , after which your confidence builds up and you start to improve .
13 From the camps of Europe , those who had avoided the execution pits and the gas chambers had at last reached the Promised Land about which their cantors had sung at Auschwitz .
14 He only knew that Liza was the most sexually exciting woman he had ever come across and that , should they meet again , neither would be able to hold back from a passion which was so powerful it could only lead to trouble , about which his wife might come to hear .
15 A good seventeenth-century example is Thomas Howard , second earl of Arundel , a great collector of pictures , who volunteered in 1636 for a special embassy to the Emperor Ferdinand II simply because he wished to see and perhaps buy a number of art treasures about which his agents in Germany had sent him glowing reports .
16 Time and again he is savaged for speaking on subjects about which his critics claim he knows nothing .
17 May I congratulate my right hon. Friend on what he has done at Maastricht in limiting the powers of the Commission , about which my constituents have been concerned for a long time ?
18 When my Noble Friend er produced the Bill of the first er er case and it went er came to secondary reading , your Lordships did explain in no uncertain terms of the various matters about which your Lordships were concerned .
19 If possible it should also be a topic about which your class will have differing views .
20 Some of us will be unable to raise matters about which our constituents feel strongly .
21 She talked in brief spurts in between which her eyes became glazed , probably as a result of whatever drug they had given her .
22 Some blooms have become obstacle courses during which their visitors are pummelled by stamens and bombarded with pollen before they are able to leave .
23 Only this weekend , I had a telephone call from a distressed daughter who pointed out that her mother , who was widowed 18 months ago , had just received a threatening letter saying that , if she did not pay £11 for the 16 days between 1 April and 17 April 1989 , during which her husband had been alive , poinding action would be taken against her .
24 The President underwent an extensive medical examination on May 21 during which his doctors declared themselves satisfied with the progress of his treatment .
25 M. Dupont took another pause during which his gaze travelled in an almost leisurely manner around all the faces fixed upon him .
26 Entitled ‘ Kandinsky kleine Freuden-Aquarelle und Zeichnungen ’ ( Kandinsky 's small pleasures-watercolours and drawings ) , the exhibition covers the years 1910–1944 , the years during which his involvement with works on paper was most intense , and therefore presents much information in the catalogue not yet published by Dr Barnett .
27 Discounting all the years during which his stepson had sacrificed a life of his own to follow an old man 's dictates , he pressed on to his bed .
28 Does Mr Bush foresee some sort of crisis during which his image will suffer unless boosted ?
29 He lets the silence linger for ten endless seconds , during which his bulk seems to swell in the room .
30 He points out that he has come across cases where , a link having been formed between the two , the patient has had phases of extraordinary well-being and health during which his psychologist has succumbed to severe mental malaise .
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