Example sentences of "[prep] which [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Cos there 's millions and millions of pounds that the revenue have got rushing about which should have been repaid to er investors .
2 Clearly , the largest surfaces to be covered in any room are the walls and the floor , and there are invariably two schools of thought about which should have preference in the budget .
3 Intelligence reports had indicated that such a reactor , the plans and equipment for which could have been supplied by China in 1990 [ see p. 38548 ] , had been built in the northern mountains .
4 In the abbey church of St Seurin at Bordeaux , for example , he could see Roland 's horn , the sound of which might have summoned reinforcements to Roncesvalles but which Roland , more careful of his reputation than of his life , had refused to blow until it was too late .
5 The cellars are full of junk , most of which might have been useful once but all of which is now covered in water or mud or fungus .
6 At least three examples of unitary affinity are apparent in this region and , therefore , three workshops may have existed in the early/mid-fourth century ( all of which might have been partially contemporary ) .
7 Although Mrs Thatcher 's opposition will prevent the declaration having any legal force , the Commission President , Mr Jacques Delors , made it clear he would be coming forward with detailed proposals on a range of minimum social rights for workers in the 1992 single market over the next 12 months — some of which would have binding legal force throughout the Community .
8 The delight of the Gloucester supporters was in no way diminished by the fact that Barnes had missed three easy kicks at goal , any one of which would have wrapped up the game for Bath .
9 There are along the route four long tunnels , each of which would have required attention .
10 Thus it is possible that , as a result of letting out contracts for individual services possibly to different suppliers , the aggregate cost of the individual contracts ( each of which would have to be independently viable ) will exceed the combined cost of the original integrated services .
11 Above all , the three-part test of obscenity adopted by the Court in 1966 was strengthened , laying down three essential conditions , all of which would have to be satisfied in every case :
12 In addition , it discharges a host of minor , even trivial , functions , the cessation of which would have little impact on public life .
13 In the meantime , on Earth , we have reached the stage in our narrative where simple unicellular creatures have become multicellular creatures , the earliest known of which would have been the jellyfish .
14 For example , this selection of flowers could have been framed in a pale green mount , or the entire design could have been created on a very pale blue-grey background with no mount at all , both of which would have given a very different emphasis to the pink roses .
15 Spears and axes have utilitarian forms , the manufacture of which would have been within the abilities of anyone with basic smithing experience ; both have sockets for handles/shafts which would have been created by beating the iron around a former .
16 This would have probably entailed working involuntary overtime , possibly long , awkward hours and , almost certainly , making a physical input , one consequence of which would have been a limit on the amount of time spent with the children and energy contributed to their amusement .
17 They wanted the stimulus package , much of which would have been spent in inner cities .
18 There are remains of four levels of wall , the lowest of which would have had wooden gates to protect its main entrance .
19 It was significant that the Official Secrets Act — the use of which would have been fatal to the publication — was not resorted to by the government .
20 The revised draft committed its participants to a ‘ sovereign federal democratic state ’ based upon a voluntary union of republics with equal rights , each of which would have the right to choose its own forms of property and government .
21 All of which would have been bad enough without Charlotte 's final revelation .
22 Instead of the blue uniform , which sat well on his big frame , he was sporting a hideous shirt patterned with palm trees and his plump buttocks were compressed into a pair of fawn slacks , the cut of which would have flattered a slimmer figure but was less than kind to his own .
23 Other field crops included peas and beans before the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries and , later on , numerous new introductions , some of which would have been grown earlier as garden produce but which were grown on a larger scale from the seventeenth and particularly eighteenth centuries .
24 cuts in defence expenditure , both of which are irresponsible and both of which would have a devastating effect on our capacity to defend ourselves .
25 During the course of March , however , anti-abortionists attempted to enact laws in Guam and Idaho , either of which would have forced the Supreme Court to decide upon the legality of the core of the Roe v. Wade judgment .
26 Thirteen would have been unable to cope with the elimination regimen for social reasons or because of poor understanding , eight had tight small intestinal strictures , and eight were on high dose steroids ( both of which would have made the results difficult to interpret ) , four refused , two were treated for postoperative fistulas , two were pregnant , and one was treated for extensive pyoderma gangrenosum and had no gastrointestinal symptoms .
27 The villa at Box , Wilts. , had pavements of white limestone ( used for much of the background work ) , blue-black lias , a dark-grey/ chocolate-coloured pennant stone , red from broken tiles and yellow oolite ; all of which would have been procurable within about five miles of the site .
28 The remainder of the treatment would have cost a further £23,000 , most of which would have been recouped in return for appearing in advertising promotions .
29 Engineers , whose prime objective had been to maximise net revenue , originally had put forward four proposals for the upgrading of the junction , all of which would have made the head-on collision of two trains on a single-track section of line outside the station impossible .
30 It has a long , narrow plan , the northern end of which may have been used for stabling horses or housing the cattle .
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