Example sentences of "[prep] that [was/were] a " in BNC.

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1 Well , if I erm said to one of my students something about that was a very good essay you wrote , in fact I 'd like to discuss it a little bit more down at the pub and down at the pub I put my hand on his knee perhaps in making a point about how good his essay was .
2 All you earned for that was a belting .
3 And all I got for that was a couple of tin medals , uh uh , aye dear Aye .
4 In front of that were a low sofa and a coffee table .
5 To the rear of that was a large field , bounded on the left by the railway line , and at the back by the ever-present forest .
6 But much of that was a personal following for Dr Owen .
7 This was the thing that came up previously about er , dispatch of a report not being recorded anywhere , because of that was a compliment slip which a photocopy was n't kept and so we erm , therefore have to have a note made on the client contact form to say it 's gone .
8 Part of that was a company car .
9 Now the other side of that was a plea which came from our switchboard supervisor , which I 'll come onto in a moment , where she said people will often think that of her telephonist , but in actual fact , it 's because they have n't got the right information from people at this end , so there is another side to that story .
10 And well you know things like the noise of the blues parties and things like that were a great annoyance .
11 they offered me two for a boat , right and they offered me one while I was there , then I got home and they offered me one that late that evening , job , erm working like that was a Thursday and they wanted me to start on the week Monday , I could n't do it as it happens I had to give my weeks notice here get out there that quick , so I fucking said , I said to myself well they 've first day , they 're gon na offer me a few more , so yeah they offered me a couple more but way from so , a bit unlucky I , I wished I 'd fucking taken it
12 Beneath that was a leaflet with the number of the switchboard ( 837 7324 ) and then eight pamphlets dealing with sexual hygiene , four of them coming from America , ones which Madame had got hold of before anyone else .
13 Behind that was a billiard table , and near it a couple of bridge tables .
14 He was an East Ender , near as possible a Cockney , and , with his mother , shopped the markets of Walthamstow and Leytonstone insisting that chips with this and chips with that was a triumphant diet for a sports crazy kid .
15 He was an East Ender , near as possible a Cockney , and , with his mother , shopped the markets of Walthamstow and Leytonstone insisting that chips with this and chips with that was a triumphant diet for a sports crazy kid .
16 He thought she was overwrought and the best way of dealing with that was a good night 's sleep .
17 With that was a hundred percent a hundred percent migration .
18 It started in the Autumn of eighty-eight , when Phil approached me and said , ‘ Look , we would like to consider putting our services that we do offer to finance in a more effective way ’ , running alongside that was a project being run by Oxfordshire Health Authority where they were sending postal surveys to elderly people ; people over the age of seventy erm sixty-five at one point , and were getting back a huge amount of information on their perceived needs .
19 In that was a plus sign , followed by ‘ GB , P. & L. ’ and the ‘ L ’ had been underlined twice .
20 Beyond that was a stable , with the horse standing there indifferently , uncaring what passed before its eyes as long as it had food .
21 as opposed to that was a part of being a tenant , you know , for the honour of you pay me rent but you also come and work on my land for how many days
22 All around the house was a wide open piece of land ; and around that was a fence , two metres high , with no doors or openings , and too strong to pull down easily .
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