Example sentences of "[prep] that [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of the UK these figures are supported by surveys such as that carried out by the Inner London Education Authority which showed that over 22% of the children it its schools spoke a language other than , or in addition to , English at home .
2 Evaluation such as that carried out in Example F is likely to misrepresent what has been achieved in the teaching unless it takes into account pupils ' initial performances and the relative difficulty of what they are learning .
3 The counting of published papers is a crude method of measuring the productivity of research workers , but it has been used in some studies , such as that carried out by Vlachy 232 .
4 er there 's a bit of stew in there , would you like some of that heated up in microwave ?
5 All average rents on our stock across the whole of the south east is twenty seven pounds a week erm , I think is , is the figure now the bulk of that funded down to the old er regime that we had from the housing corporation where we got er , a lot more grant and we had the residual line and the money we 've had to borrow ourselves for the scheme was actually from the corporation themselves that all changed in the ninety eighty eight housing act and we now get a fixed er , sum of monies , it 's fixed percentage of local cost from the housing corporation and the balance has to be borrowed from a private lender just like anybody else going out and and buying a home , if you like er , from a , a bank , from a building society or somebody like that and we have to charge a rent er to the property that will repay that loan and , the way in which we actually do it is , is we charge a lower rent and actually who pays the rent quite substantially below that er , because erm the rent on these properties if we i if we charge what the the housing corporation 's grant as it 's set would be round about ten , twelve pounds more expensive than that .
6 She could n't possibly keep a gigantic secret like that bottled up inside her .
7 Detective Superintendent Edwards said : ‘ If anyone has seen any clothing like that scattered around , we want to hear from them . ’
8 ‘ If anyone has seen any clothing like that scattered around , we want to hear from them , ’ said detective superintendent Brian Edwards yesterday .
9 I will try and get something like that brought up from North Wales
10 Recent surveys including that carried out by the Linguistic Minorities Project 1985 have revealed the extent to which Britain is multilingual .
11 Much of the work including that carried out at the retraining facilities at Ellesemere Port is aimed at helping younger servicemen and women .
12 It is not necessary to reach agreement with Dr Bryan 's moral scheme in order to see that it involves quite a different moral emphasis from that projected on to the 1930s by post-war nostalgia .
13 I changed my own selection to that called out by a priest ahead of me .
14 " What Spanish regime " , he enquired rhetorically , " at any time , has been more productive in carrying out its tasks and has created for the Nation , in any respect , wealth comparable to that created up to now ? "
15 Trotsky went so far as to call the agreement ‘ an ecclesiastical NEP ’ , implying a similar tolerance to that meted out to ‘ kulaks ’ or to Nepmen , but this was a superficial and short-sighted judgement redolent with propaganda .
16 Elected people will no longer have an influence on local further education ; instead , the position will be similar to that set up by the Secretary of State for Health , where appointed quangos are in control .
17 ( This was a similar exercise to that carried out during the study of the Adult Training Centres described in Chapter 10 , where a weighting was given to software depending on the relative value of the functions that it could support . )
18 Any clinical examination required will be similar to that carried out by the ordinary GP .
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