Example sentences of "[prep] this case [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The contemporary Lebanon is a paradigm case of a crisis generated by a breakdown of a consociational system into a centrifugal system — in this case precipitated by the deliberate destabilization of the government by foreign powers ( Israel and Syria ) and external social movements ( the Palestine Liberation Organization ) .
2 The client 's choice of search firm in this case depended on the nature of the requirement .
3 CytR protects two regions on both strands ( Fig. 4 , lanes 5 and 10 ) , and the protection pattern is also in this case offset from each other in the 3'-direction by 3 nucleotides .
4 The letter of 5 June 1992 from the Clerk of the House of Commons starts by saying , ‘ My attention has been drawn to the fact that the House of Lords may be asked to hear argument in this case based on the meaning or significance of words spoken during proceedings on a Bill in the House of Commons . ’
5 The act of passing light through a polariser also acts as an operator , in this case applied to the physical states of the photon 's polarisation .
6 Or , the Doctrine of the Sabbath ( 1649 ) ; the licence in this case granted by Joseph Caryl , a divine who frequently preached before the Long Parliament .
7 Proteins are also macromolecules ; in this case compounded from molecular units called amino acids .
8 They may have been the gigantic reptilian analogue of the elephant , and it may be no coincidence that the elephant also has its nasal openings on top of the skull , with the nostrils in this case sited at the end of the trunk it has been suggested that some sauropods may have had a proboscis of some sort .
9 England suffered to some extent from a similar gulf between her real power and her ceremonial status during the Interregnum of 1649 – 60 , a gulf in this case deepened by the widespread hostility aroused by the execution of Charles I. For several years the standing of the representatives abroad of the various Commonwealth governments was seriously weakened by the disappearance of the monarchy : in 1654 , for example , the Danish ambassador in Sweden claimed precedence over his English equivalent since the latter was acting for Cromwell , a mere protector , not for an anointed king .
10 That is , they show that the coefficients of the model are still identified in this case provided that it is assumed that the equation errors in the money growth equation and in the output equation are contemporaneously uncorrelated .
11 Assuming the nearest psychiatric clinic is unavailable , then yer friendly local fire hazard — in this case over-cooked and rapidly on the turn — provides the ideal circumstantial boost to these oh-so-desperate , suicidally unhappy songs .
12 Order 7 , r 10(4) which provides that the date of service is deemed to be the seventh day after posting does not apply , and the summons is in this case deemed , by virtue of s 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 , to be received in the time it would be delivered " in the ordinary course of post " .
13 Below : The range of glass fibre tubing , in this case moulded in various colours .
14 They were also recruiting among teachers and the Protestant clergy and among the Prussian civil service , employees of which were normally banned from belonging to political organisations , but whose membership was in this case overlooked .
15 The angle between the models is in this case preserved , indicating that they have been operated on as if they were a single model rotating about the origin .
16 Her remark was indicative not only of the close and exclusive family structure , but also of the petty rivalries and jealousies ( in this case directed at my mother ) within it .
17 Before dealing with this submission , which seems to us a powerful one indeed , it is necessary to consider shortly the added dimension to this case brought about by the appellant 's implied undertaking .
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