Example sentences of "[prep] be find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It would deal with wasteful prescribing and wide variations in performance to be found between one hospital and another , which could not be put down simply to lack of resources , he said .
2 The path has to be found between making an exquisite distillation , using a chemistry wholly the property of the observer and his audience , and presenting arguments as they occur , fragmented , irregular .
3 The need for a modern concept of citizenship is not the only need of the political system — others include accountability of the state and effectiveness in government and a balance has to be found between these three desiderata .
4 The most important differences are those to be found between individuals , rather than between groups or categories This seems to imply that the one thing Shetlanders have in common is that they Are All different from one another , and that their common identity as Shetlanders is something that emerges only when they contrast themselves to people from the south .
5 Since the main differences in wage levels were to be found between , rather than within , unions an expanded role for the LO in wage negotiations had also been deemed necessary .
6 The most striking differences are to be found between Aborigines and the Australian population as a whole .
7 There is some discrepancy to be found between the available results however .
8 If , however , a definite association were to be found between the occurrence of skin cancers or miscarriages and the continued use of computer monitors , then computer manufacturers and importers who continued to make or sell equipment giving off such dangerous emissions would be liable under the Act .
9 By far the most diverse range of wagons and small carriages ( mainly fourwheelers ) , are to be found between Mughul Sari and Benares , on the Oudh and Rohilkund Railway , and Saidpur on the Assam Bengal Railway .
10 The Brazilian Tapir is the largest animal to be found over much of its forested wetland habitat .
11 Sydney told Vic that there should be plenty of shell cases to be found over there , a delighted Vic explained that a workman had found hundreds and that the remains of the butts were still in place !
12 The answer to the problem of anxiety and meaninglessness which is derived from this sense of estrangement , is to be found through love .
13 Put simply , rules of interpretation are to be found in answers to questions such as ‘ What is going on ? ’ or ‘ What does this mean ? ’ , whilst prescriptive rules are to be found through asking ‘ What should one do ? ’
14 The solution for rm can not be found analytically and has to be found through numerical iteration using a computer or a programmable calculator .
15 ‘ Literariness ’ is to be found as a basic principle in the work of the Russian Formalists and the New Critics , and , elaborately formulated , in Frye 's Anatomy of Criticism .
16 This belief , or something similar , is to be found as the basis of almost all religious writings , which are , after thousands of years still holding millions of people completely committed to their acceptance .
17 And in the more general upheaval of political beliefs which accompanied ‘ the strange death of liberal England ’ , influential judges were more often to be found towards the right of the spectrum of opinion .
18 More philosophical criticism is to be found along Davidsonian lines .
19 Once to be found along much of the coast , it is now restricted to relatively small areas .
20 ‘ There is always a way through and there is always interest to be found along the way . ’
21 ‘ Apparently it is virtually unknown for a Person who has been murdered to be found with closed eyes . ’
22 The larger vessels tend to be found with richer burials perhaps reflecting conspicuous consumption by leaders and a role in storage and distribution .
23 The range is from 5.0 to 7.6 , so that the star is never too dim to be found with binoculars ; there is a very rough period of around 130 days .
24 Many grounds also employ Alsatian dogs around the perimeter of the pitch , and police spotters are often to be found with binoculars and two-way radios in the TV camera gantries below the roofs of the main stands .
25 They are certainly not small targets to be found with a metal detector and I was amazed that they were there , for they proved that no detector user had worked the area since my last visit .
26 In 584 , however , he was to be found with Mummolus in Avignon , where they were joined by Desiderius , dux of the recently murdered Chilperic .
27 It 's thought the find is evidence of the first Viking wreck to be found off the British coast .
28 If they find it , it 'll be the first Viking wreck to be found off the British coast .
29 This is to be found to the west of the town and starts from a point on the A.16 .
30 The Burgundians first come fully into view in the pages of Ammianus Marcellinus , where they are to be found to the east of the Rhine .
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