Example sentences of "[prep] be just [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the undertone was exceedingly fragile , with many traders prepared to bank on the FT-SE falling below 2,200 points in the next few weeks unless the 15 per cent rates do turn out to be just a short-lived shock .
2 I should n't have been content to be just a wife . ’
3 With Walsh then skimming the bar with a spectacular overhead shot , it seemed to be just a matter of time before Tottenham would score .
4 ‘ Now it 's going to be just a predictable film with a beginning , a middle and an end .
5 After this remarkable visit , the volcano continued to be active for a week or two , but the explosive activity died down somewhat , and it began to look as though the eruption was going to be just a nine-days ' wonder , and would soon fade away and be forgotten .
6 She had wanted to be beautiful like Paula , would have traded everything to be just a little like the sister whose stunning good looks had the power to attract and mesmerise wherever she went .
7 Can the car be allowed to be just a car , no longer a symbol of defence against possible demands , feelings about a prettier younger sister or a manipulating mother ?
8 Yet another multipart game , only this time it manages to be just a little more feeble than the others .
9 One is to telephone , or write to her beforehand , saying that things have been so hectic at your end recently that it seemed at one point that you might have to postpone your visit for a week or two , but that you are so keen to see her that you are absolutely determined to ‘ make it ’ somehow , even if it has to be just a ‘ flying visit ’ .
10 He seemed to be more content to be just a consultant to everyone in the music business than actually being a pioneer .
11 When he found out , he contacted the Diocese of London 's lawyers , who helped to prepare the paperwork : getting a licence seemed to be just a formality — in modern times it was practically unheard-of for a faculty to be refused .
12 The Pelagian connection appears to be just a confusion with the earlier myth .
13 ‘ It used to be just a couple of fans outside but there are more now .
14 ‘ It has to be just a little longer , straighter and perhaps more masculine . ’
15 I remember the scandal surrounding her in the Seventies , when she appeared to be just a naive young girl caught up in the trappings of fame .
16 The cockcrow itself is too laden with old significance to be just a motif .
17 It appears to be just a tragic accident . ’
18 Is a hypertext to be just a static database structure which is browsed by some entirely external program ?
19 The European Political Community was not to be just a third community , but nothing less than the beginning of a comprehensive federation to which the ECSC and EDC would be subordinated .
20 EFTA was to be just a free trade area ; as such , there was no agreement on barriers being set against third parties .
21 What really annoyed Daugherty was that critics were applauding The Public Enemy , a movie which seemed to him to be just a very well-cut and scripted melodrama that would serve as good ‘ yokel bait ’ .
22 Do you want it to be just a commercial success or do you see it as an opportunity to exhibit large or unusual works , or the sort of work you would like to do more of ?
23 So large , that when plans to flood their lowland were first announced , the Rut landers protested , ‘ But we do not wish our county to be just a towpath around a lake ! ’
24 The party seemed to be just a party — quite an entertaining one , but nothing world-shaking .
25 Your Watson , then , needs to be just a little less intelligent than you conceive your readers as being .
26 Cup board cos it used to be just a just a shelf just a board with some hooks on it hang your cups on it .
27 ‘ It would seem to be just a matter of time before the man 's identified . ’
28 His first wife had left him to become a theatrical agent because she did n't want to be just a housewife .
29 It is important to note that the criteria range must not have any blank rows so reset it to be just a single row before giving the new Extract command .
30 It just appears to be just a fraction out of focus maybe , I do n't know .
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