Example sentences of "[prep] it should [be] " in BNC.

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1 The area in the vicinity of welding and all below it should be thoroughly cleared of all flammable rubbish , the welding area should be screened as completely as possible , all inflammable materials should be removed or covered with fire protective sheets .
2 He said part of it should be kept as a monument .
3 For the first dose , the bottle should be succussed 8–12 times , and one tablespoonful of it should be diluted with half a glass of water .
4 However , as Colwell et al have pointed out ( Colwell et al , 1983 ) if enhanced platelet aggregation were to contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular disease then evidence of it should be present before the development of vascular disease .
5 The label 's ‘ Shostakovich Film Festival ’ ( ) is music from The Gadfly , Five Days and Five Nights , Hamlet — and , more dubiously , the Tahiti Trot ( which Shostakovich simply orchestrated for a wager after hearing a gramophone record of it — there 's no evidence he ever saw the son , better known as Tea for Two , performed on film or intended that his own version of it should be ) , and the First Piano Concerto ( some of the themes of which were recycled for a Soviet cartoon in 1933 ! ) .
6 The control layout is on a par with ART 's tried and tested formula , and on the face of it should be fairly simple to understand .
7 It was a matter of great personal pride to Ceauşescu that every item in the palace and every part of it should be made out of Romanian products only .
8 There are many aids to beauty available and no lack of advice on the correct use of make-up , but one should bear in mind that use of it should be discreet and not overdone .
9 But , in proceedings of this nature the general rule is that , where a committal order has been made , any further application in respect of it should be made to the judge who made the order , whether that application is in the nature of an apology by the contemnor or an application to reopen the proceedings by reason of the availability of fresh evidence or some other ground where no error of the court at the hearing is alleged .
10 Nothing is barred , except that your subject ( which is , note , not the same thing as your deeper theme ) should involve crime of some sort and that your presentation of it should be in a manner that will entertain , which is almost the same thing as saying it should be through a progressing story .
11 And , ideally , part of it should be dappled in shade to provide shelter on those really hot sunny days that we 've experienced in recent summers .
12 Michael Clark , first secretary at the Canadian High Commission in London , admits to being " horrified " by some of the logging practices he has seen and says that the dispute between his government and the campaigners is not about the importance of conserving ancient forest but about how much of it should be conserved .
13 The quiff erm , was about these interim field reports , suggested that no such thing existed , interim should be taken out and the rest of it should be .
14 So if we we just want to make that erm clear erm number three er we would n't like to add a fourth erm motion and the Labour resolutions it is erm it 's actually end of it should be , consideration should be given .
15 Volunteers have been asked to come up with ideas as to how the club should be run and what the objectives of it should be .
16 If the potato is green throughout it should be discarded .
17 Something making a noise like it should be jamming with Ornette Coleman .
18 And it 's figures like that , which reinforce Judge Tumim 's view , that another one like it should be established elsewhere in the country .
19 But Perkins warned his players : ‘ Our league form is nothing like it should be .
20 It sounds like it should be a film .
21 The Bill requires the development corporation to operate the barrage so that the water immediately behind it should be maintained at a level between 4 m and 4.5 m above ordnance datum except in certain circumstances defined in the Bill .
22 Dry rot is disastrous , and any house you encounter with it should be left strictly to the experts , the treatment involving extensive renewal of timbers and the disinfecting of all other timbers , brickwork , slates and cavities .
23 This is a remarkable achievement and everyone connected with it should be applauded — those who designed the cars , those who build them and those who run the firm .
24 Science fiction is typically larger than life , and so perhaps articles dealing with it should be cosmic in scope .
25 For CASE 1 above it should be noted that the first three identifiers ( Headword , Part of Speech , Homonym Number ) always need to be specified when a single entry is to be transferred .
26 For CASE 1 above it should be noted that it is only necessary to specify the Headword(s) when requesting proofing but you can be more specific if needed .
27 From what has been written above it should be clear that the design of a test method which gives information about the mechanical properties of a material irrespective of the geometry of the sample and the manner in which load is applied is not a trivial matter .
28 Its name is Callanish , and eagles from it should be honoured .
29 We shall see later that it is sometimes necessary further to subdivide these groups in music of a complex nature , but the above arrangement is the normal one and departures from it should be as infrequent as is compatible with the adequate presentation of the music .
30 In the former camp , organisations such as the Council for the Protection of Rural England vigorously protest at any threat to the Green Belt and argue that derelict , or ‘ brown ’ sites within it should be restored rather than handed over to developers .
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