Example sentences of "[prep] it was that " in BNC.

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1 And though the whole cult was largely founded on a pout , a posture , a rear view of ponytail and hindquarters and some carefully arranged shower curtains , sheets and wet clothing , the significance of it was that a young woman created a new lifestyle indisputably of the Fifties in which she took a man 's attitude to sex .
2 The two went into a long drinking session , and the end of it was that he bought the man 's seventeen-year-old daughter outright , with the last of his grant .
3 The beauty of it was that Campese could cause such a fearful commotion even when he was running on to nothing more appetising than set piece possession , either from the scrum or the line-out .
4 Yet the truth of it was that the estates were going to rack and ruin .
5 ‘ Apart from selling many more Reed titles , ’ he says , ‘ the key fact to come out of it was that more than half the customers who came into our shops to buy a promoted Reed title at a lower price bought on average two-and-a-half books at full price , and so the venture , as far as we were concerned , was highly profitable . ’
6 She consulted Lessing , accordingly , about what to do with them ; and the end of it was that the long-forgotten link with the law was revived , and young Paul was placed like his father on an office stool .
7 Of course part of it was that McLaren were placing their bets on Prost .
8 ‘ One good thing to come out of it was that it inspired me to play guitar and turned me into the person I am . ’
9 Everyone in this part of the world had obviously been fighting against either the Russians or the Yugoslavs , but the devil of it was that they were prepared to do anything rather than surrender to either of these armies . "
10 Erm er I think they 're probably and and they 're putting more effort into getting the unemployed off being unemployed off being unemployed into course are n't they so probably the they may have improved things but anyway the basic erm idea of it was that you borrow money er you borrow erm money to finance a course which is going to get you a job .
11 Anyway er it The outcome of it was that the Spencer Union was formed , George Spencer , er i in collaboration with er the mine owners , you see ?
12 But the highlight of it was that I used to get a ride on the dray and I used he he we used to finish up the round at the bottom of erm Road , and Street .
13 Erm a lot of it was that people just accepted their situation and did n't think there was any way they were going to get anything different .
14 The truth of it was that he was even less certain of her now than he 'd been at the beginning ; how she thought , the way she might react as the world around her changed .
15 The pity of it was that she had n't made a bigger part for herself in the night 's scenario ; she was getting polite nods and hellos from people that she already knew slightly , and curious glances from most of the others .
16 The worst of it was that Charlotte had intended to emphasize how she had come in search of information , not confrontation .
17 The worst of it was that his headaches made him so angry ; it was a symptom of the poison that was killing him by degrees .
18 But they both had shields against which the lances struck , and the beauty of it was that on her shield was the insignia of the sun , on his that of the moon ; so they were each protected by the principle they opposed .
19 My impression of it was that it is not as powerful or flexible as the one which Audio Visual demonstrated to myself and Dr Chamberlain recently .
20 The ingenuity of it was that it operated exactly like a Jacquard loom , which is a loom for weaving tapestries without human control no matter how intricate or varied the design .
21 And the worst part of it was that it had been so wonderful that it would be hard to avoid doing it again .
22 And all the time you were n't really there , you were somewhere else entirely , and the funniest part of it was that you ended up looking like a pro , like a model who lived for these moments in the public eye .
23 The little jokes , the smiles , the anecdotes about his childhood , about his city , had been nothing but clever prelude to her seduction but the worst of it was that she 'd been so damnably easy to seduce .
24 ‘ The best of it was that the farmer — Mr Harris — said that if I proved to be right , he 'd call me in again , especially as Mr Jarvis had said that my fees were moderate .
25 Mr Sandy recalls that the biggest challenge was just to get the name known in the major markets in Europe : ‘ Whether the message coming back was ‘ Unbekannt ’ or ‘ Pas Connu ’ the gist of it was that we were unknown and if you 're trying to sell whiskies people have n't heard of , then you have n't got much to go on . ’
26 And erm he actually , he , he started off and , and was very nervous but the summing up of it was , was brilliant erm and I , I would n't put it across as well as what he did but the principle of it was that he , he suddenly turned round and said right I have now changed my job , right , you are now looking at the new managing director of Friends Provident , he says , and the first thing I am going to do is I 'm cutting all your wages to eighty five pounds a week , what are you going to do about it ?
27 But in due course er when I was still off with flu , erm back to the specialist another test , you know , and that was er March , April of last year and the result of it was that there is something in there which is characteristic of what 's , what we call multiple sclerosis which seems to me is about as broad as it 's long , you know , it 's , it 's a very large
28 The reason Bohm could get away with it was that he did not submit his theory to this superfluous requirement .
29 And that was my problem with it was that I was in much in terms of being able to go into the classroom an and talk to the kids and have a really good relationship with the teachers and things .
30 Nevertheless , perhaps the most startling statistic contained in it was that some one-third of the rail route mileage carried only about 1 per cent of the freight and passenger traffic , while one-half of the route mileage accounted for only 4 to 5 per cent of total traffic .
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