Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 TIE Rack , whose expansion into America has been described as ‘ attempted suicide ’ by chairman Roy Bishko , is aiming to break even in its American shops ‘ in a couple of years ’ after a better performance in the year to February .
2 After a closer inspection of the young man , I doubted that he could help anyone .
3 In fact , the clothes Yuri had worn to our shoot — an American jacket and trousers with a grey shirt and fur-lined black trainers — would n't have looked at all of place on the dance floor of Stringfellows , but Yuri was after a smoother image .
4 Moreover , they are likely to consult their doctor after a shorter delay if their SAD is a recurrent problem ; this is a suggestion that could be tested statistically .
5 Such a clock will wake an individual when a certain stage of the sleep/wake cycle is reached ; if he goes to bed late then that stage will be reached after a shorter period of sleep than usual .
6 In other cases a relative or foster carer may apply for custody after a shorter period and you will be informed of this action and be able to contest it in court if you wish .
7 A child may work with father or mother ; s/he may look after a younger brother or sister ; s/he may be responsible for the family cow or goats or for selling the family produce in the market .
8 In the ensuing days the President 's health was closely monitored and , after a further burst of accelerated and irregular heart activity on May 7 , it was announced on the following day that the source of Bush 's condition was an over-active thyroid gland .
9 Now after a further century of development Ossett can boast of wide range of businesses including a gallery , photography studio , florist , fashion shops , health food and the expanded Dimple Well Lodge Hotel , where the proprietor Mr Sandy Gillan looks to the future with confidence .
10 After a further spell in Manchester , a year with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen , and another in Liverpool with ( Sir ) James Chadwick [ q.v. ] , he moved in 1938 to the chair of physics at Aberystwyth .
11 Whether BBN will survive will become clearer after a further Council meeting in May .
12 After a further mile towards Chapel-le-Dale , a track turns off the road to the left and goes down to the beck in the valley bottom , arriving at a section roofed by a natural arch of considerable length .
13 As the road leaves Clashnessie Bay , the hamlet of the same name is passed and after a further mile a side road turns off to the right and crosses the bare and windswept peninsula , the Ru Stoer , to a lighthouse where it ends at a parking place for cars .
14 After a further cruise , and more depredations , Rackam put in at Cuba to refit and carouse .
15 The second stage of training is the Solicitors Final Examination taken after a further year of study at one of the professional schools .
16 If the haemoglobin remains normal after a year it should then be checked after a further year or sooner if the patient becomes symptomatic .
17 After a further telephone interview — this time with myself as the interviewee — for the Radio Times , it seemed I was finished .
18 After a further series of internal meetings taking several days , they eventually agreed to pay half the sum , provided another organisation would put up the other half .
19 ‘ Well , that 's it , ’ said Camille , after a further moment .
20 With his arms like jelly he reluctantly handed his rod over to another angler and after a further tense 15 minutes the big shark was landed with the help of all eight anglers on board .
21 After a further examination at Bethesda , it was revealed on May 9 that Bush was suffering from Graves 's disease , the same thyroid disorder which had affected his wife , Barbara , since 1989 .
22 After a further period in the translation agency of a chemical firm , she returned to England and had a child .
23 After a further period of three months or so , Don Bennett appointed me Group training inspector — and I became virtually a horse thief !
24 If the monies are not claimed after a further period ( usually 6 or 12 years ) then the bidder will be released from its payment obligation and the moneys paid back to it .
25 However , after a further round of talks with Saddam Hussain on Oct. 28 , he left for Moscow the following day , his only apparent success being the Iraqi agreement to allow the return in the coming weeks of some 1,000 Soviet nationals who had been working in Iraq .
26 In the continuing civil war a series of incidents reported on April 10 coincided with the presence of a delegation of Buddhist monks in the northern Tamil-held town of Jaffna , and effectively underlined the lack of prospects for a Buddhist government-backed " peace initiative " ( which the LTTE rejected after a further round of talks on April 24 ) .
27 If , after a further review , the Council decided that students should not be admitted to any courses leading to its awards , the position of existing students would be safeguarded .
28 After a further 400yds the path regains the river , for a short time , by some moorings near the entrance to South Walsham Broad .
29 First the bride 's parents with attendants visited the newly married couple in their home ; then after a further interval the married couple made a similar formal visit to the bride 's parents .
30 Then , after a further interval , I was able to drag myself into my little cave .
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