Example sentences of "[prep] and that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is good to know that he was thought so highly of and that we have so many friends .
2 I told him that I 'd seen her in the company of a minder I did n't like the look of and that I 'd followed them to Woolwich .
3 Pricewell 's gave Anna that inch or two of dignity she had felt so sorely in need of and that she now felt she could never again surrender .
4 The reader should check that P1/T2 remains optimal for and that we pivot in the x 1 -column when 0 = ⅙ and the s 1 -column when θ = - .
5 It maintains that the amount has already been accounted for and that it remains financially sound .
6 Mrs Browning had declared it was all too bad , too dreadful an imposition to have been responsible for and that she would not be able to look the Ogilvys in the eye ever again after causing them such vexation .
7 My understanding was that you were working for and that you would send your invoice to him .
8 I suggest that he does n't ( indicative ) know what he 's talking about and that he do ( subjunctive ) his homework before crossing swords with self-respecting pedants like me — some of us have a reputation to think of !
9 Your belief , as I understand it , is that we should accept not knowing what the future will be like and that we should trust in the abilities of ourselves , and of everyone else , to be surprised by what happenS , to be changed by it , and to be able to react in new ways that at present we do not know ?
10 So we 're going to Scarborough in this big yank 's car and the fellow said if we do n't , if want it I 'll give you a fiver , for petrol like and that it was quite a bit of money then .
11 Well it and shut up to there with and that you can
12 Minimising — admitting that one or two staff members drink a bit or perhaps use a bit of cannabis or maybe occasionally get into trouble with the consequences of drinking too much but insisting that the Company has more important problems to deal with and that it is not the Company rule nor responsibility to deal with these problems .
13 ‘ There is no doubt in my mind , ’ she says , ‘ that we have all lived many lives before and that we have an individual life-force which never dies but chooses to come into incarnation at various times .
14 ‘ There is no doubt at all in my mind that we have all lives many lives before and that we have an individual life-force which never dies . ’
15 The most recent work on the subject stresses the complexity and ambiguity of much of the legislation of this period regarding the serf population of Russia : it also suggests that after 1775 repression of peasant disorder may have been less arbitrary than before and that it was sometimes accompanied by efforts by provincial governors to persuade landowners to treat their peasants with greater humanity .
16 For example on page 198 , Mayella says she 's never kissed a grown man before and that it might as well be a nigger and after kissing him she says ‘ kiss me back , nigger ’ .
17 Such bodies are needed to break up centralized power to encourage participation and restore morale to ordinary people by convincing them that they do count , that they are listened to and that they can participate .
18 He did not tell her that hers was the only female reputation he had ever given any thought to and that he did not know why he bothered .
19 It 's providential for her that she 's got a job that she 's very good at and that she enjoys .
20 Insignia reckons that emulation will become de rigeur on all machines by and by and that it will become a utility house .
21 Insignia figures that emulation will become de rigeur on all machines by and by and that it will just become a utility house .
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