Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] at the " in BNC.

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1 Add to that a packed lunchtime season , and late-night entertainment in the studio on Fridays and Saturdays , and we think you 'll agree that there 's always something for everyone at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in the Round .
2 Bob 's phone rang , and while he was talking Dyson , who was sitting back in his chair and waiting for someone at the other end of the line , covered up the mouthpiece of his phone and said , ‘ Are you coming to the funeral , Tess ? ’
3 What point in having , I suppose it 's my fault , I should have read these erm , bits added to it more carefully earlier , but it does n't seem to have anything in their about anybody who is actually claiming a carer 's allowance from looking after somebody at the time , and whether we should have a phrase in there that it does n't include anybody that is collecting from the D S S S or anything else for a carer 's allowance anyway , because you do n't want to double pay anybody .
4 The two large men chased the smaller man , caught him and then proceeded to bash his brains out in front of everyone at the tables — or so it seemed .
5 Once you have come to an agreement on an expectation , form it into an objective statement , eg , ‘ We will establish no precedent which caters mainly to the desires of one at the expense of the other ’ .
6 On this question of construction I was in a judicial minority of one at the end of the first hearing of this appeal .
7 She followed , trying to spot a public phone , and she had just caught sight of one at the corner of the building when he came out of the office , a key in his hand .
8 I know I have been but I ca n't think of one at the moment
9 I said that they must n't be sad because he had , after all , crammed so much into his short life , that his parties had given enormous pleasure to so many people , that Conor was the sort of person Jack Kerouac might have loved , he was one of the ones who are mad to live , desirous of everything at the same time , ‘ the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing , but burn , burn , burn , like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars ’ .
10 He was becoming increasingly conscious of the existence of something at the core — in fact , a suspicion , a threat , which must at all costs be shielded from his probes .
11 No I ca n't think of anybody at the moment .
12 It is unrealistic to expect Novell to spend money to develop Unix for the good of everybody at the expense of their own company .
13 It is unrealistic to expect Novell to spend money to develop Unix for the good of everybody at the expense of their own company . ’
14 has already crapped himself about the visit cause extra work of course but er the er however we should er revert maybe we 'll keep an eye on the schedule and things er but we we need to tie it up tight so we do n't get a cos I mean what 's being said now in the corridors of power is that the schedule is totally sales driven and it 's the sales department that 's put it together , I am only the administrator , I only I d I completely take my orders from the sales department quote unquote in front of everybody at the management meeting .
15 But I had very little idea of anything at the time and I did n't do very much acting .
16 There was only room for one at the top and he was it .
17 The deposit of a variety of jade amulets for ensuring good fortune and warding off ill-luck among Fu Hao 's grave goods shows that jade had already begun to be directed to individual needs as early as the Shang dynasty , at least for one at the peak of the social system .
18 ‘ I 've booked a table for one at the restaurant round the corner .
19 With no-one at the BBC at that time skilled enough in working latex rubber the masks were solid , ie : the mouths , cheeks , noses and eyes did not move .
20 Erm , like if you get the money , spend it , I always spend my money on loads of shit and I end up with nothing at the end of the day .
21 They 'd danced to Michael 's band and her glossy pink trousers flashed and moved in the dimmed lights , and he had felt elated and mildly drunk , and had lost most of the inhibitions he 'd had about dancing , until it became clear to his confused brain that the drummer , who had soft dark hair and was probably a potential Celtic supporter , was getting on so well with Amanda that perhaps they should move on elsewhere , and he swayed out of the room , pushing her in front of him , and bumped into someone at the door , and had realised it was the man in the raincoat , only he was in a dark suit and a tie with geometric designs .
22 actually we , mm , at some length and had a few ideas , erm I 've got an appointment with someone at the Arts Council in a couple of weeks that the Arts Council 's got a new fund called erm consultants in research and I thought I 'd make a bid to see if we can get someone
23 When he assumed the role of the accountant and conducted the whole conversation with someone at the other end who was trying to make an appointment , he was brilliant . ’
24 They said : ‘ The last thing we would do if we suspected drugs were being imported would be to tell the agent or importer because they may be in touch with someone at the point of origin .
25 So there 's classic sort of stories about organisation where the the er president of the organisation asks somebody to investigate something and that gets translated by the vice president into sort of rather more hostile sort of thing and basically it ends up with somebody at the bottom of the pile having their ass kicked or whatever because it 's been translated , or mis- translated down , okay ?
26 She could imagine what would be said if she arrived with one at the house in Newcastle Place .
27 Provided you have a fair left hand reach it 's possible to play this without a capo , although I have seen many people play it either with one at the 2nd fret , or without one by transposing the part down to E …
28 MES : ‘ So you 're not going out with anybody at the moment ? ’
29 Because of Hooke 's law , when a material is strained the stress in it varies from nothing at the beginning of the operation up to a maximum at the final strain .
30 In one at the edge of the school the floor had completely disappeared and looking down Endill could watch the sea crashing against the rocks .
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