Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] in [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 The twice world champion 's case was considered by Lightman immediately after one in which Higgins was the complainant in a disrepute charge against his former manager , Howard Kruger , who resigned from the association 's board last weekend .
2 Etzioni formulates a hypothesis about organizations seeking to be effective : that they will shift their compliance structure towards one in which there is greater congruence between power and involvement , either by changing the nature of the power employed ( e.g. from sanctions to ‘ leadership ’ ) or the participants involved ( e.g. by recruitment methods ) ( Etzioni 1961 ) .
3 The common law liability has been modified in respect of fires spreading from the defendant 's land by the Fires Prevention ( Metropolis ) Act 1774 , which provides that no action shall be maintainable against anyone in whose building or on whose estate a fire shall accidentally begin .
4 Poles had fought both for and against Germany , and , partly because their state had not been involved in the war , Poles were ready — unlike the other participants in the war — to fight again , this time for something in which they had a stake .
5 He put his few clothes in a neat pile on the bed and then looked round for something in which to carry them .
6 The Hancock Half Hours seemed to be finally at an end and both Ken and his public were ready for something in which ‘ Stop messing about ’ would mean something more than an admonition to an actor to concentrate on his script .
7 because it 's not the way that er it was designed for it , it was designed for something in which men pressed forward
8 Federman sees the postmodern period as one in which the media have taken over the informational role of fiction , drastically reducing its status .
9 Included in this group are schizophrenic subjects who have injured themselves as a consequence of a delusional belief ( for example , that part of the body was evil ) , or because of an hallucination ( such as one in which voices tell the subject to harm himself ) .
10 This described Dutch society as one in which liberal consensus has smothered over expressions of homophobia , while leaving the underlying heterosexism intact .
11 These facilities are being used in projects such as one in which the influence of microbes on radioactive waste repository materials is being investigated .
12 Thus the case could properly be classified as one in which the client determined the outcome .
13 At the risk of stating the obvious , we could describe the situation presented in the Renaissance love-sonnet as one in which the poet adores , often from afar , a woman who either surpasses the worth of the poet to such a degree that union with her is inconceivable , or else rejects his advances with scorn and cruelty .
14 They mean an easy , phonetic ( or rather phonemic ) system such as alphabetic literacy and they think of a ‘ literate society ’ as one in which such a script is widely assumed in public life , as they claim it was in sixth century Greece .
15 He diagnosed the current situation as one in which the two cultures ( literary intellectuals and scientists ) had almost ceased to communicate with each other .
16 This approach would interpret the UK economy 's international position in the 1970s and 1980s as one in which British multinationals are engaged in a formidable rivalry with foreign-based competitors .
17 Both of them treated the case as one in which there was an implied threat by the defendant to deprive the plaintiff 's clerk of his right to take extracts from the parish register for no charge ; and both appear to have concluded that , in the circumstances , although that threat was made before the plaintiff 's clerk obtained the extracts he needed , nevertheless it was causative of the payment which was therefore recoverable on the ground of compulsion .
18 Bede regarded the period after the death of King Aldfrith — that is , beginning with the reign of Osred — as one in which the monastic life was abused by laymen .
19 In the literature a " simple " material is referred to as one in which the stress depends only on the history of the deformation gradients F ( dependence on higher-order gradients has been considered but at present seems to be of little practical value ) .
20 It is clear in any case that the growing size of the middle class must change fundamentally the image of capitalist society as one in which class antagonisms are simplified , and ‘ society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps , into two great classes directly facing each other — bourgeoisie and proletariat ’ , which Marx and Engels depicted in the Communist Manifesto and which Marxists and other socialists generally accepted without much questioning until the early years of the twentieth century .
21 Though simple in concept , this can be a poor indicator of situations such as one in which a 10g plant and a 1g plant each gain 1g in a week .
22 An efficient market has been described as one in which ‘ the theories of Miller and Modigliani hold true ’ .
23 Dr Alirio Parra , a senior Venezuelan technocrat , described the atmosphere as one in which ‘ the free play of market forces took over as OPEC producers adopted a short-term strategy to regain market share ’ .
24 Raoult 's law is a useful starting point and defines an ideal solution as one in which the activity of each component in a mixture a i is equal to its mole fraction x i .
25 Lehmbruch defines a fully corporatized political system as one in which :
26 A change of diagnosis was regarded as one in which manometry resulted in a diagnosis that had not previously been made by other investigations even if clinically suspected — for example a diagnosis of nutcracker oesophagus in a patient presenting with non-cardiac chest pain .
27 Evelyn Underhill , speaking as a Christian , defined the spiritual life as one in which " God and his eternal order have , more and more , their undivided sway " ( Underhill 1985 : 25 ) .
28 For example , they characterize a state of Keynesian unemployment as one in which workers can not , in the aggregate , reach the L s curve in Figure 5.9 and in which employers , since they can not sell all of the output that they would like to produce , can not reach the L d curve .
29 But in a pragmatist society he would have to predict whether the judges would be likely to consider his case as one in which the virtues of predictability were less important than the substance of the law , and whether , if they thought substance more important , they would think a decision for him better or worse for the community .
30 We are talking not about an industry in decline — no matter what some right hon. and hon. Members may think — but about one in which oil and gas production will rise from more than 2 million barrels a day now to a new peak of almost 3 million barrels a day by the end of the century .
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