Example sentences of "[prep] [n mass] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Montego is just right for us.It is reliable , strong and very suitable for our road conditions .
2 In the event , this official reformation was both rapid and radical , but up until just a few weeks before Henry 's death it had by no means been inevitable .
3 by no means are all such men and women impervious to the claims of rational problem-solving and the demands of the national interest — the politics of principle also has its place .
4 The Protestants could hope but by no means be certain of what she would do , though they could take comfort from her dramatic gesture on Christmas Day 1558 , when she ordered the bishop celebrating Mass in her chapel not to elevate the host , walking out when he refused , and her even more spectacular gesture on 25 January 1559 when , at the opening of parliament , she told the abbot and monks of Westminster , processing with tapers burning , ‘ Away with these torches !
5 by no means were all chairmen tyrants , but the opportunities were there and had made possible the emergence of uncontrollable ‘ powerhouse ’ figures such as Judge Howard Smith of Virginia , the chairman of the House Rules Committee , and Wilbur Mills of Arkansas , the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee .
6 A bridge between the legislating church and the law-making king might be found in the role of the clergy who until c. 1290 still dominated the royal judiciary , although by no means were all these men canon lawyers .
7 A customer capable of signing a cheque for £100,000 is unlikely to balk at the extra £10,000 or so , and Aston 's aberrant mid-'80s profitability was due in no small part to the fact that Gauntlett made his car more expensive , in real terms , than it has ever been .
8 Whereas the best formations for infantry are massed ranks , the best formations for missile troops are long thin lines where they can bring the maximum number of weapons to bear .
9 He furnished much of the office from his own resources although his annual salary of £250 was some 20% below the WEA 's nationally recommended minimum for District Secretaries — a reflection yet again of the District 's precarious financial position , then in deficit in excess of £100 .
10 There were few fences to be seen with zero grazing of cattle and ‘ herding ’ of sheep being common .
11 Trying to live on a half salary of $25 was difficult .
12 If the local stability condition ( 8–43 ) holds , the coefficient of dk is positive .
13 Civil war was averted , but while the 120-strong squadron of cavalry were able to hold back the rioters in Aÿ , they were unwilling to engage their fellow citizens in open conflict and failed to prevent the mob from sacking and burning the premises of Ayala , Bissinger and Deutz & Geldermann in Aÿ .
14 the fact that the bereavement sum of £3,500 is arbitrary and was set five years ago .
15 If M and N are any two positions , then say fc(M)>fc(N) if either all entries in fc(M) are strictly positive , and fc(M) is shorter than fc(N) or fc(M) and fc(N) have the same length , and the first few entries in fc(M) and fc(N) are equal and the next entry of fc(M) is larger than that of fc(N) .
16 This is firmly supported by the research of Eichenauer and others who comment that the ‘ often heard supposition that in these traffic calmed streets people drive louder at higher numbers of rpm is wrong ’ .
17 His match figures of 60.4–26–81–8 were phenomenal , even by West Indian fast bowling standards .
18 It might be thought that while biased interpretations and biased observations are present in sciences , conscious misrepresentation of data is absent from this field .
19 Documentation of data is essential for secondary analysis but the quality of what is produced by the data generators is very variable .
20 Maintenance of data is important in software in which data is created by pupils , for example in some mathematical or economics programs , in viewdata software or in databases .
21 A power theme might therefore look like this ( remember , one piece of data is useless — a theme is needed ) :
22 For example , we may find that a job applicant for a position in sales was an international athlete in her teens ; on its own this piece of data is interesting but provides almost no insight into future performance in sales , especially if there is no demand for athletics in the job .
23 The main source of data is maternal diary records of the children 's language development .
24 Although the acquisition and preservation of data are laudable activities they will not result in widespread use of the data unless the archives take an active role in promoting use .
25 Regrouping of data was necessary for one trial : table III of that paper was used to calculate the deaths in each group irrespective of the dose of vitamin A actually received .
26 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
27 But under s 419 tax of £20,000 is payable by 14 January 1995 ( 25/75 advance corporation tax rate assumed ) .
28 Only 780,000 tonnes of cod are ready to spawn this year , compared with 1.1 million tonnes in 1991 .
29 A bonus of £10,000 was available at the hole for a hole-in-one and the American 's tee shot landed a foot beyond the hole and spun back to a foot short of the hole .
30 The dose of aspirin was adequate to achieve rapid clinical antithrombotic effect .
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