Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Grice does not suggest that this is an exhaustive list — he notes that a maxim such as Be polite is also normally observed — nor that equal weight should be attached to each of the stated maxims .
2 Paris so it 's got ta be dirty in n it ?
3 And use you 're you 're not going it 's not going to be negative is it ?
4 I think one of the things , to be honest is to avoid the traffic .
5 That to be honest is , is somebody who 's like , been doing this for ten years and has already got themselves like half a million pounds of worth of equity .
6 The situation where such clauses are most likely to be reasonable is one where prior negotiations have been complex , with many oral discussions and lots of paper work passing between the parties , so that it is equally to the advantage of both parties to create certainty by describing all of their rights and liabilities in one defined set of documents and excluding all extraneous issues .
7 I believe the enormous pressure put on women to be skinny is the most important feminist issue in Western society .
8 ‘ The need to be vigilant is as great now as it ever was . ’
9 For some people the ambition to be liked and to be successful is a contradictory objective .
10 It is also the age of consent for sexual intercourse , and therefore for a girl under this age to be pregnant is proof that an illegal act has taken place .
11 To vary the analogy , not to be religious is already to have invested money in what is as high a risk venture as an investment in religion .
12 The precise nature and length of the transition period to Europe 's monetary unification have yet to be determined while agreement on the political and economic structures required for the Community 's monetary union to be durable is unlikely to be reached before the mid-1990s .
13 is going to be minimal is n't it ?
14 It is commonplace to be second best , but to be best is to be unique
15 It is a paradox too , that because Christianity has been able to drop any mention of the physical cycles of women 's lives , secular culture has ended up with an idea that true liberation means we can forget ‘ those difficult days ’ , and ‘ carry on as normal ’ ; assuming , perhaps , that to be normal is to be more like a man .
16 The conflict in which the state is supposed to be neutral is about the ability of people to choose and successfully pursue conceptions of the good ( and these include ideals of the good society or world ) .
17 In non-western countries the model of health care which has been imported and which is still often considered to be optimal is one based on the same medical model .
18 Eh , it , it 's going to be closed is that account in December and re-opened .
19 However , the Ayr plant with 1,000 employees seems to be Digital 's preferred site ahead of a similar plant at Galway where 1,200 jobs are now at risk .
20 Encouraging children to wish to be good is more important than making them be good .
21 The only authentic way to be good is to be good ‘ for nothing ’ : that was to become the ringing insistence of her finest treatise , The Sovereignty of Good ( 1970 ) .
22 To be passive is , in many instances , to be ‘ had ’ , to be fooled , or misled .
23 Learning to be content is the great secret of life , for every aspect of our jobs , however boring , can become fulfilling when we work at them wholeheartedly , as serving Christ .
24 Most ambitious play was deemed to be Bardic 's ‘ The theatre went to Gregory Lavery in the same play .
25 In this case the only way to be sure is to go through the procedure of HIV testing .
26 These may or may not have significance ; what needs to be certain is that descriptions are accurate , for if they are wrong , deductions from them will be valueless .
27 And it might even be said that it is from this , far more than from early Christianity , that we have inherited our sense of the dubious physical nature of the female , and our idea that the human norm is male and that to be female is in itself a pathological state .
28 Here the difficulty I found in talking about psychoanalytic criticism is compounded , not because I am an unbeliever , but because anything that the middle-aged male commentator says about feminism is liable to be wrong : to be approving may be condemned as patronizing , and to be critical is to be sexist .
29 to be dirty in n it .
30 For er , you know , have to be dirty in n it ?
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