Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , but tho , that one 's got ta be cut open !
2 You got all th the place has got ta be left tidy as er , if you 'd come there in the morning .
3 The maintenance of this repertoire is made more difficult , in that the majority of children in Roman Catholic schools seem to be taught contemporary hymns and other religious music by religious education teachers , rather than by the music staff .
4 Twenty in each university were to be taught modern history and languages and , if they reached the required standard , given suitable employment at home or abroad .
5 Such anger and defensiveness is commonplace and understandable because our society is accustomed to the stereotype pictures of alcoholism and drug or other addictions as disorders of weak-willed and immoral people who need to be taught firm lessons on how to behave themselves properly rather than as ill people who need to be helped to become well .
6 Erm and he 's saying that you know to start with basically education has always been the preserve of the landlords , er the peasants have n't had anything to do with education , have always been poor illiterate peasants erm and now he 's saying that because the landlords have been overthrown erm suddenly peasants er have , you know , are forming erm schools and have been able to be taught various things .
7 These pupils in Wales do not start formally to be taught English until the age of 7 or 8 ; all pupils in England will be required to be taught English from age 5 .
8 Although references to the presence of black people are available from the Roman period onward , especially in the early sixteenth century , the most famous of the early documented references is the arrival in 1555 of a group of five Africans , brought here by a merchant to be taught English so that they could return to Africa to act as interpreters for British traders .
9 Mentally handicapped children , especially those with severe handicaps , need to be taught social skills which may be naturally acquired in a comparatively short time by children of higher intelligence .
10 He opted to be taught medieval Welsh as a special subject .
11 No one doubted that some form of physical education should be part of the programme ; nor was there any dissent from the view that girls were to be taught domestic economy and similar subjects in addition to trade and academic courses ; and , thirdly , the terms ‘ vocational ’ and ‘ liberal ’ should be generously interpreted , rather than be seen as mutually exclusive .
12 A ‘ devolved ’ school was seen to be meeting local needs more quickly .
13 Although overdue , two elements of the bill can properly claim to be breaking new ground .
14 The venture , which will involve investment of £8m , is believed to be receiving regional development grants worth up to 36 per cent of the total investment .
15 The health of children in care was found by the House of Commons Social Services Committee under the chairmanship of Renée Short , MP , to be receiving minimal attention .
16 One is led to the conclusion therefore that the husband should convey as beneficial owner ; he is very often conveying the former matrimonial home as part of an agreement whereby the wife releases her rights to further claims for capital , and as such he could be said to be receiving valuable consideration from her and it is established that a vendor selling under compulsion should stand in the same position as a contractual purchaser under an open contract ( see Re King [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 632 and Emmet on Title above ) .
17 By March 8 all of Baghdad was reported to be receiving night-time electricity .
18 Bishop Peter is said to be receiving medical treatment for the stress of recent weeks .
19 The Duchess of York is reported to be receiving psychiatric help and has therefore fallen victim of the classic dilemma .
20 Where the property is to be transferred subject to a mortgage , or where a new mortgage is to be created , it will be necessary to obtain consents to such transactions from any occupants of the property aged eighteen years or over ( following the case of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 ) .
21 THE £80,427 refurbishment contract at Llandrindod Wells Museum due to be completed by the end of June , is expected to be extended due to delays with materials .
22 This standard is to be extended site-wide .
23 The illustration of such a double logic working at a textual level often comes to seem remarkably close to a deconstructive analysis : in the same way as Derrida or de Man could be said to be deconstructing received readings that have institutional purchase , so the new historicists shift our understanding of institutionalized historical accounts .
24 ‘ All the polling organisations , like our own private polling , demonstrate a very great firmness of support in those who say thus far that they are going to be voting Labour , and softness in Conservative support . ’
25 In my union branch , as in many others , I expect the best activists to be voting Labour .
26 Hot seller in seaside toyshops this summer was the UFO Solar , a ‘ solar energy airship ’ balloon intended to be flown kite-like on a sixty-foot line .
27 If this were to be applied unmodified , since the displacement of the stylus varies inversely with frequency , the amplitude of the waveform cut in the disc at low frequencies would be very large .
28 It depends upon the weather , but after a week or so the concrete will have dried sufficiently to be treated prior to the introduction of fish and plants .
29 But other shocks to the system followed in quick succession : a new language and culture ; the insensitivity , not always unintentional , of foster parents , teachers and hostel administrators ; the cruelty of other children ( and some adults ) who equated all things German with Nazism ; the coming-to-terms with the long-term or permanent loss of family and friends who had been left behind , and the awareness that refugees could not expect to be treated other than as second-class citizens — to mention only the common causes of illness and depression .
30 Once won , the " bouse " , a mixture of rock spar and ore , had to be separated ready for smelting .
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