Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the Moldavian Supreme Soviet on June 23 endorsed a report by a special parliamentary commission , declaring illegal the 1940 Soviet annexation from Romania of Bessarabia ( most of which now formed Soviet Moldavia ) and other territories .
2 Some of the less trampled beaches have an interesting flora , the seeds of which now provide a food supply for some of the largest wintering finch flocks still to be found in the county .
3 He would return to her , to beg her pardon for so basely misjudging her , and they would find again the former ease of friendship , the lack of which now gaped in her life like an open wound .
4 UNITY Trust , the trade union bank , is preparing to offer its basic banking services to charities , many of which now face being charged by commercial banks as if they were profit-making small businesses .
5 Seeing the mist that deepened the dark grey of her eyes , the pale translucent cheeks , both so beautiful now in their glowing copper setting , it was all Benedict could do not to snatch her back into the heat of his embrace , and force his way to that intimate deep caress , the thought of which now fired him with passionate yearning .
6 There are also too many vehicle accidents , the costs of which now amount to over £1 million a year .
7 The two countries in which the movement has taken root are Iraq and Syria , each of which now claims leadership of the movement on the pan-Arab level and dismisses all similar pretensions on the part of the other .
8 The other is a motor of highly original design ( for the conversant , one without commutator or armature ) , one of which now carries the great lens on Lundy North lighthouse that warns sailors of the savage coastline of the area .
9 Headway Advanced is preceded in the series by Headway Intermediate and Headway Upper Intermediate , both of which now have new Pronunciation Books .
10 Other releases through the Sub Pop empire ( all of which now appear to be subject to the same scheduling difficulties ) include THEE HEADCOATS ' LP , ‘ Heavens To Murgatroid Even !
11 Other releases through the Sub Pop empire ( all of which now appear to be subject to the same scheduling difficulties ) include THEE HEADCOATS ' LP , ‘ Heavens To Murgatroid Even !
12 This touching but morbid In Memoriam served only to bring home to me the realisation of what now seemed inevitable .
13 Similarly , the TUC 's exclusive concentration on learning from experience in the workplace resembles much of what now passes for experience-based learning in progressive adult education elsewhere .
14 The kind of people who were to live in the network of what now amounts to eight properties — six owner-occupied houses and two rented apartment schemes — were not people with severe disabilities and high levels of dependency .
15 Many important missions still functioned with what now seem tiny numbers : in 1860 those of Prussia in London and St Petersburg each had only six salaried employees in all , and those in Paris and Vienna only four apiece .
16 The government argued that local government reorganisations in the 1960s and 1970s were typical of ‘ a time when resources seemed to be freely available … the heyday of a certain fashion for strategic planning , the confidence in which now appears exaggerated ’ ( DOE 1983b:2 ) .
17 Her hand was already reaching for the telephone when a large shape loomed in what now became recognisable as a doorway .
18 Therefore , in what now follows , since we shall be examining social reproduction , I only count as variable capital that which is actually apportioned to the workers , and surplus-value will constitute the whole of the social surplus-value .
19 Baldwin then castigated the ‘ Editor ’ in what now seems rather old-fashioned but nonetheless devastating terms :
20 Yes well , erm I think I mean I I did check with the various trustees last week and the current position is erm there was basically a four hundred and sixty million that er that was the original missing figure , to which now goes back over two years er recoveries have come to into over a hundred thousand now with the
21 Melissa played thoughtfully with her empty coffee mug and reflected on what now seemed the certainty that Rodney Shergold had been having an affair with Angy .
22 But no doubt Jeff had , she decided , suddenly feeling torn between her sense of guilt for what now seemed like unnecessary rudeness and her automatic instinct to defend her brother .
23 Jay flayed herself for what now appeared gross and hasty : her need for real contact , skin to skin .
24 If the move up-market started anywhere , it was on Saturday 4 July 1981 , when SLOA ran the first PSLC over the Settle & Carlisle and down the Appleby-Warcop branch , for what now seems a very modest fare of £15 first class , £12 second class from London ( Euston ) , together with a tray meal at £2 !
25 He had also married Marina Simionescu in 1980 , a partnership dissolved four years later and enshrined in between times by what now appears a very sad little book , Love Match , Mariana 's ‘ belated wedding present ’ to her husband .
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