Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 No reason for either of them to write or telephone , not after what had been said .
2 Our shooting permits , after what had been eleven months of filming , were due to expire that evening and , though shot at the very end , the sequence on Anak Krakatoa was intended to introduce the very beginning of our whole ten years of adventure films .
3 All she had been urged to do was relax and recover her health and spirits after what had been a very traumatic experience .
4 The means of all reformation is the Incarnation and Passion of Christ through which love is known both by divine revelation and experience .
5 O mighty soldier , O man of war , at last you have a cause for which you can fight without endangering your soul ; a cause in which to win is glorious and for which to die is but gain .
6 The traditional bloom process was still capable of meeting all needs , for a negligible outlay ; the exotic indirect process had been introduced as an act of state policy simply in order to make cannons , the need for which had been proved by the effectiveness of French artillery — against the English themselves — in the wars of the fifteenth century ; Newbridge , where the first successful gun had been cast in 1509 , was Crown property .
7 The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) signed an historic commercial agreement with the Russian Space Agency on June 18 , the basis for which had been established at the June summit between US President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin [ see pp. 38985-86 ] .
8 Even if A has the power of arrest , he must ordinarily inform the person arrested that he is being arrested and the reason for it , i. e. the act for which arrest is made : Christie v. Leachinsky [ facts ] .
9 It can be argued that the requirement of obtaining leave is the price for the generous standing rule under Ord. 53 , and that for this reason the standing rule for hybrid judicial review actions not brought under Ord. 53 ( for which leave is not required ) should be stricter than that under Ord. 53 .
10 Where this is the case the applicant must file at court : ( a ) a written request for leave setting out the reasons for the application ; and ( b ) a draft of the application for which leave is sought on the appropriate form , with sufficient copies for service on all respondents ( FPCR , r3(1) ; FPR , r4.3(1) ) .
11 After recording that the specific purposes for which leave was granted were to quash the section 2 notice dated 24 June 1991 , and to require the applicant to be cautioned in accordance with paragraph 16.5 of Code C before being called upon to comply with the requirements of a section 2 notice , the court began by noting that these two grounds rested upon substantially the same basis ; namely that if the notice could lawfully be served after the person under investigation had been charged his constitutional right of silence would be lost , at any rate if a caution were not administered .
12 Extensions to CORBA for which OMG is seeking information include repository application programming interfaces , additional language bindings or object adapters extensions additions to core Object Request Broker functionality in the areas of support for transactions and concurrency generation .
13 The figures for 1988 entry have been revised in the light of experience , especially for the small number of fields for which demand is strong , such as accounting & finance , computer studies and law .
14 Outside National Parks and SSSIs prior approval is not required before a farmer goes ahead and implements a capital scheme for which grant is claimed after completion .
15 Furthermore , the deregulation of bus services has shifted demand away from traditional large buses towards smaller ones , the demand for which has been met to a great extent by importers .
16 In sum about 25,000 people were able to appreciate the live transmission of Un ballo in maschera direct from the stage of the Opéra- Bastille , tickets for which has been sold out for months .
17 If a body approved by the Secretary of State have provided or propose to provide a seamen 's canteen the need for which has been certified by him after consultation with the Merchant Navy Welfare Board , the licensing board within whose jurisdiction the said canteen is or will be situated may grant a licence under this Part of this Act authorising the person who is the manager of the canteen to sell alcoholic liquor in the canteen .
18 They probably succeeded those of the second-century vicus , some evidence for which has been gained in excavations .
19 Of course , it is necessary constantly to review policy and constantly to keep in the forefront of our thinking the need for the security forces and the police to have all the resources necessary to do the job that they do on behalf of all of us , the need for which has been so tragically illustrated again in the last 24 hours .
20 There is no really well-defined pattern , but the constellation is not hard to identify , because it lies more or less between Altair and Fomalhaut ; the line of three stars of which Altair is the central member points to it .
21 It adjoins Aquila , and may be found by sweeping away from the line of stars of which Altair is the central member .
22 His artistic career began with a series of paintings based on the thirteenth-century sculpture of the elegant countess of Uta on the façade of Naumburg cathedral , a photograph of which had been lent to him by the young artist Vlady , but in the late fifties he turned his attention to Spanish art .
23 Still other male mice spent a single four-hour period inhaling nitrous oxide before being put with females ( none of which had been exposed to hazardous chemicals ) .
24 For English fans , though , there was pleasure that their team had begun to show heart and direction and purpose , all of which had been missing since the Ashes tour of 1986–7 ; while West Indian fans were just happy that their heroes had shown that , after all , W.B. Yeats had got it wrong and the centre could hold .
25 The pain in his ribs , three of which had been crushed in a recent collision , was almost unbearable .
26 There was lots of very French glitz and glamour and an apparently unlimited budget , much of which had been spent on giant television screens and clever use of lights ; but it was all quite impractical and unco-ordinated .
27 The exhibition Ladislav wanted me to see and which he had not yet seen himself , was a series of documents and photographs relating to the events of 1968 , none of which had been made public before .
28 The archives , many of which had been assembled by the French police themselves , were kept firmly closed .
29 This was attributable mainly to an increase in the number of branches , from 158 in 1953–54 to 189 in 1957–58 ; losses in Bedfordshire ( 15 branches down to 11 ) and the Fenland ( 23 down to 15 ) , both of which had been without a tutor-organiser for much of the period , were more than offset by gains everywhere else , notably in Essex ( 27 branches up to 40 ) and Suffolk ( 14 up to 32 ) .
30 A bricoleur was a handyman who , by using bits of machinery or equipment , the original purpose of which had been forgotten or never known , was able to solve immediate mechanical problems .
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