Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively if the process is highly complex the emphasis may be on the pattern of events as indicated by a network of blocks with a specialist symbol indicating the many points within the system for which information for the operator might appear and another symbol for points where he can interfere in the system dynamics ( Fig. 1.27 ) .
2 The crusades were preached by the official Church ; but the enthusiasm with which the preaching was greeted was due to a wide variety of emotions , of which zeal for a different doctrine from the pope 's was one of the most powerful .
3 I am delighted that Haringey councillor Ian Willmore has rediscovered the problems of Tottenham and has even taken to pondering the question of which candidate for the Labour leadership is best equipped to tackle these problems ( Letters , 24 April ) .
4 He had written several very influential books , of which Education for Citizenship , The Idea of the Industrial School , and The Schools and the Nation were translated into English , and had lectured in Scotland and Chicago .
5 Overall , the review may be judged to have been effective in that it produced valid and reliable evidence of how things were in the Art department , on the basis of which prescriptions for institutional changes might be made , and it provided the necessary motivation for those changes of the most direct importance to the pupils to be acted upon .
6 The section only applies to public houses ( for meaning of " public house , " see s.139(1) ) in respect of which applications for Sunday opening have not been granted under Sched. 4 , and , in respect of which , part of the premises have been adapted and set aside for the provision of the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening or both , The procedure for applying the section to the premises is similar to the procedure under 5,57 , Before a licence-holder can apply the section to his premises , he has to obtain a declaration of satisfaction from the licensing board that part of his premises are adapted and used or intended to be used for habitually providing the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening and that the adapted part does not contain a bar counter ( subs .
7 If you or any member of your family suffer death , bodily injury or illness arising from negligence of our suppliers ( other than air and sea carriers performing any domestic , internal or international carriage of whatsoever kind for whom we accept no liability ) , their sub=contractors , servants and/or agents , we will accept responsibility provided that they were acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment when the accident occurred .
8 He said that if the Tories had policies that were not working for the Scottish economy then the silence of the SNP since last year 's general election told the real story of what independence for Scotland would really mean .
9 It will be observed , in running through the complete signatures of a book , that there is no J , no U and no W — an indication of what sticklers for tradition we are .
10 The simplest functional view of LIFESPAN is as a carefully controlled software storage system into which software for most computers ( written in any language ) can be entered , and which will then serve as the sole source of issuable software .
11 In the broadest terms , it has been concerned with one aspect of youth history : how and why , and with what consequences for age relations , middle-class reformers put together a number of images of working-class adolescents .
12 The legal framework within which services for elderly people must be provided is less extensive than that for child care .
13 This is the only way to account for the difference between the second tournament , in which Tit for Two Tats was ranked well down the list , and the first tournament , which Tit for Two Tats would have won .
14 This amounts to a quest for possible ways in which Tit for Tat individuals might happen to cluster together in sufficient numbers that they can all benefit at the banker 's expense .
15 The very success of SMP , in ensuring its diffusion ‘ downwards ’ , brought a curricular selection originally developed within the prestigious independent sector of the selective subculture , and only modified by teacher-writers experienced with ‘ less able ’ children , into contact with many teachers whose subject and pedagogical perspectives derived from within the non-selective subculture in which criteria for selecting mathematical content differed considerably .
16 Accompanying the policy , the RTO put forward a ‘ Strategy for Action ’ , in which criteria for the selection of the two hospitals to be targeted for early closure were put forward .
17 The project aims to investigate the ways in which criteria for the evaluation of applications-oriented proposals are interpreted and applied , and how this affects the actions of potential proposers .
18 Within a month of nationalisation , the Authority 's commercial manager had identified the more serious black spots in which tariffs for additional domestic kWh were below ¾d. — which he reckoned to be the level required to cover costs — and in the next few months prices were generally raised to this level as a ‘ first aid ’ measure , pending the development of a proper pricing policy .
19 In the event it was only those six states in which agitation for closer political and economic integration had been strongest in the 1940s , with political support at the highest level , which entered into the discussions that led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ) .
20 This can demand a very high level of commitment , in which caring for a relative completely dominates the carer 's own life .
21 In April 1992 , the month in which responsibility for the financing , organization and management of the Magistrates ' courts passed to the Lord Chancellor 's Department , machinery of government changes made in the aftermath of the General Election transferred five existing Home Office functions to other departments .
22 ‘ The whole effect ( of the film ) was destructively negative , and there was no attempt to spell out constructively ways in which services for the mentally handicapped might be improved .
23 2 A new Group Certificate has been introduced , in which English for Business/Commerce feature .
24 In addition , patients entering this study were more likely to have had no symptoms of heart failure than those in the SAVE study , in which treatment for heart failure was permitted .
25 Can you see ways in which life for the family has become better and become worse .
26 On the other hand , public authorities do not usually commit illegal acts deliberately , and if an atmosphere of opinion were created in which compensation for illegality were seen as being simply compensation for loss and not as carrying any stigma of fault or as being designed to perform the function of deterring illegal conduct , public authorities might be able to put the chance of an award out of their mind in deciding the applicant 's case the second time round .
27 The difference in costs between the sexes was less than for items except in the 65–84 groups , in which prescriptions for men were more expensive .
28 The trainee , sitting in , should consider the emotions evident in these interviews and the ways in which possibilities for action were explored and information given .
29 Staff working in centres in which facilities for attempted suicide patients are developed should endeavour to monitor trends in the behaviour in their area .
30 The second , is the way in which opportunities for ‘ light relief ’ or humour are distributed in the story .
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