Example sentences of "[prep] [not/n't] being [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When we arrive home from France into the large village , Debenham where I live , it was really strange and felt really odd after not being home for so long .
2 ‘ It was n't what I meant anyway , about not being here . ’
3 This policeman was having to give evidence and he 'd come to talk , oh I see you 've had the baby , cos he was talking to me it had happened I said , oh what did you have blah blah blah , blah blah blah , but the little devil went in the witness box , he denied about not being there on duty about putting his mac on , ooh and he 'd never clapped eyes on barrister or a solicitor and they said he 'll meet you before the case , so we had to go extra early meet this barrister and he never came and so they took us in this little room in all his wig and his gown , we got , oh what happened ?
4 But your , your point about not being very er positive the interviews that I do I , I do in a very relaxed manner .
5 It also takes a shot at Sun 's December 31 , 1992 deadline as not being enough time .
6 The custom of describing symbols in the body of the text , at the stage when the symbols are used , is to be deprecated as not being sufficiently accessible .
7 As Miranda was halfway down the dark and narrow stairwell , she realised who it was who had so disarmed Madame that she had not scolded Marie-Angèle ( for not being downstairs to hand , to run the message up to Mlle Everard ) , or waited to reproach Miranda herself for allowing visitors to call without appointments and cause all this trouble to her hostess in the Hotel Davenant .
8 Added upset came in the same year from a speech by Dr W. Starkie , the commissioner of National Education in Ireland , who attacked school managers for not being up to their job .
9 Er , first of all may I give my sincere and abject apology for not being here to chair the Garrick 's A G M , this is due to a longstanding appointment made before I realized that the first Thursday in December is traditionally the day for the A G M.
10 Yet even as these studies were being published , major enquiries into child care scandals , such as those on the deaths of Jasmine Beckford , ( London Borough of Brent , 1985 ) , Tyra Henry , ( London Borough of Lambeth , 1987 ) and Kimberley Carlile ( London Borough of Greenwich , 1987 ) continued to criticize social workers for not being sufficiently quick and firm in their interventions to protect children .
11 Others attacked it for not being sufficiently realistic ( TLS 1957:629 , Fuller 1957:62 ) , and one concluded that ‘ Miss Brooke-Rose was in two minds about the novel she intended to write ’ ( Allen 1957:469 ) .
12 Had she lost respect for him for not being so positive and forcing her to stay last year ?
13 Sarah 's eyes flooded with tears , and she was ashamed of herself for not being more charitable over this generous woman 's good fortune .
14 Offenders got a rocket for not being more tolerant .
15 ‘ You must forgive me for not being more helpful .
16 When it comes to operational issues and manpower , the stock answer is that information on the running costs of individual units is not held centrally and could be provided only by the use of disproportionate time and effort , yet the Minister criticises us for not being more specific .
17 No matter what is being done we attack it for not being enough .
18 Their own anger with their mother for not being there is then attributed to her , and their fear results from believing she is in the rage that they themselves are in .
19 He said he was sorry for not visiting more often , sorry for not being there , for not , for not , for not , these omissions of his , these confessions , they rose into his closed mouth until it seemed that he might choke , they were jumbled up , dislocated , like old bones in a crypt , but he knew they fitted together , he knew they would form a skeleton where he could hang the flesh and muscle of his guilt .
20 ‘ I felt guilty for not being there
21 If he did n't turn up they moaned at him later for not being there , and they had used his name for fund-raising without permission .
22 The sense of disappointment was as sharp as a blow , painful out of all proportion , so much so that for a moment I was almost angry with him for not being there .
23 After I shouted at you for not being there for Mrs Richards ? ’
24 Remarkably , it is commonly the sufferer himself or herself who breaks off social relationships and activities because of a feeling of not being properly appreciated or understood .
25 Thirty years old — five years older than Richard — she carried the unmistakable air of not being easily impressed by anything , or anyone .
26 It can be expensive to provide and difficult to obtain at short notice , and has the disadvantage of not being readily available in ordinary schools .
27 The general sense of not being quite yourself , as well as the mood fluctuations and depression which often occur through hormonal imbalance are therefore going to hit both generations at the same time .
28 Anna 's air of vagueness , of not being quite with you , is one of her greatest assets .
29 Did Malik still suspect him of not being quite the full shilling as far as heterosexuality was concerned ?
30 I do n't entirely agree with Michael over the business of not being quite so familiar with the work when the children are at secondary school .
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