Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] 's " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And what about my granpa 's barrow ?
2 I was finding out more and more about my quarry 's life .
3 I have another matter to talk with them actually about my wife 's liability to class to contributions .
4 I was too excited to bother about my sister 's listening , all ears .
5 Actually , about my sister 's age .
6 If I were a head teacher or a chair of governors now , I would use quite blatantly the annual meeting and the annual report as ways of sounding the loudest and brightest clarion calls about my school 's performance and achievements …
7 But I really do n't want any old antique-dealer poking about my aunt 's things and putting a price on them . "
8 Lying about my family 's social status came easily enough , but there was nothing I could do about the more visible signs of poverty .
9 Though we children heard a lot about my mother 's nerves , we never really saw them in action .
10 I came across a very brief report about my mother 's death .
11 Well before both , my alert mind has me up and about my mother 's business .
12 I am especially worried about my horse 's legs .
13 ‘ I suppose my feelings about my father 's death were charged with guilt .
14 I pick up the paper and think about my father 's Social Security card sitting on my desk at home .
15 At last I knew the truth about my father 's betrayal and death .
16 I told him about my father 's arrest ; about the doctor ; about life in Fontanellato ; about the mercato nero ; about the Allies being stuck between Rome and Naples ; about the bombing of the cities , especially Genoa .
17 ‘ I saw him several times a day and he asked about my baby 's father .
18 I am extremely bitter about my son 's death .
19 I woke up frightened at having my knife and pill-bottles in the tent in case I should end my life during my night 's sleep .
20 During my wife 's pregnancy , I was delighted to be invited to a dads-to-be session at our health centre .
21 During my son 's teenage years he spent his life like a hobo , sleeping-bag packed into his satchel in case he wanted to doss down on a schoolfriend 's floor somewhere .
22 She gave no hint of its existence during my mother 's life .
23 They vanished from Ireland during my great-grandfather 's time , but on the night of Samain , the gateways between their world and ours open of their own accord , and they come back .
24 That collection by itself was more important than all the authentic Modigliani drawings published during my father 's life-time .
25 I can remember not being able to get off my sister 's much bigger push bike , just an ordinary push bike
26 Soccer star cut off my kitty 's privates .
27 ‘ Leo , ’ came a voice that I recognized as my mum 's .
28 I have stopped myself from saying anything as my daughter 's children live round the corner and I have them to stay overnight and take them on a Saturday but they are no bother .
29 As I thought about it , the notion took its own shape , blossoming , as it were , and escalating into what I finally conceived as my cousin 's nemesis .
30 I 'm acting as my father 's secretary . ’
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