Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The three , all members of the legislature 's trade and industry committee , were accused of having accepted $60,000 from the Korean Automobiles Manufacturers ' Association in return for helping it to gain the National Assembly 's approval for a package of state aid .
2 ‘ The misery of unemployment or of repossession is all the more stark for seeing it written in a face rather than on a page .
3 We are in the wrong position to see the flash of light as the sun erupts again , settling instead for seeing it emerge from behind the northward island as we paddle slowly in .
4 If you accept that it does n't matter where it is , it will have transport implications , we 've already discussed a criterion erm about relating it to transport provision and facilities .
5 He said he had never seen the drugs before , claiming he had picked up the syringe after seeing it lying around before the party .
6 After seeing it work for so long , I began to perceive Charlie 's charm as a method of robbing houses by persuading the owners to invite you in and take their possessions .
7 Fennel can be bought as tea bags and one of these can be used instead of half a teaspoon and the bag left hanging in the tank for one day after using it to make the remedy .
8 Before starting the drive and after completing it subjects filled in a questionnaire in which they were required to rate their ability at 12 different standard driving manoeuvres .
9 BHH Group , the property company , sprang to life after announcing it has received a bid approach .
10 The change was transient ; by three hours after training it had vanished .
11 A small boy laughs an unforgivable sin in such a sober and wary atmosphere , his grandad scolds him for destroying the unquiet silence which haunts the underground , he grabs the toy gun clasped in his grandson 's fist and confiscates it after letting it wave foolishly , causing several greatly disturbed heads to turn , he buries into the depths of his duffle coat pocket .
12 I I 've used , in my script I 've used a very loose language , like er , very , er , well , non-standard English then , because they now , erm , you know , especially after having it banned .
13 Legend relates that while he was living in the mountains he brewed a hypnotic drink , and after drinking it fell into a deep sleep and dreamed strange dreams .
14 Tory Darlington councillor Peter Jones hit out at the show after hearing it contained erotic love scenes , a roller skating comic , and a simulated sex act .
15 Tomorrow it would have calmed down , but after washing it acquired too much zip and body to tame .
16 The tolerability of risk will vary with context , and the basis for establishing it needs to be understood .
17 But otherwise all the rules for writing it apply , in miniature .
18 But the real question is , rather , whether there is any commonly accepted core of meaning among the various uses of the term which entitles us to say that this or that way of using it constitutes an abuse or misuse of it .
19 They need not prove that the accused had it with him with the intention of using it to cause injury to the person .
20 Pamella 's clock is running slow the Gloucester team were playing rough A familiar example , which actually contains an adjectival phrase rather than a single adjective , is : ( 66 ) a rose by any other name would smell as sweet With this construction , too , there is possibly a certain element of idiomatic restriction ; why for instance are the following examples unacceptable ? ( 67 ) the guide was eating gluttonous Suzanne pirouetted sensuous We may at least hazard a guess as to why this construction is fairly limited in its occurrence : there are three intensional elements in operation , the entity phrase in subject position , the property which is to be instantiated by the verb and as a third item a property that can be expressed either by an adjective or by its adverb competitor ; now where the lexical meanings are such that there would be an appreciable difference in the effect of applying the third property to the entity of the subject by contrast with the effect of using it to qualify the property of the verb ( which is the case in ( 53 ) by contrast with ( 54 ) ) then intuitive awareness that there is going to be a difference may generally allow the construction with the adjective to be available .
21 You could be emperor of the universe by now , were it not for your habit of turning your hypercritical gaze inward instead of using it to devastate others .
22 The Jungian concept of synchronicity was much on his mind because he was toying with the idea of using it to underpin the narrative structure of London .
23 He suddenly thought of using it to play a joke on some of his friends at the Post , concealed it in his newspaper and left the pub .
24 Damn the memories of seeing it floating away in front of her .
25 Nothing could give us more pleasure than the sharing of a discovery in art and the process of seeing it transformed by my adjoining restoration studio and framing workshop into its full beauty .
26 The hardware is just a means of allowing it to perform .
27 In England the criticism of continued military activity by John Wyclif , the opposition to war expressed by men of Lollard sympathies such as William Swynderby , the lassitude provoked by so many years of conflict , mirrored in some of the works of Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower , are indicative both of people 's reflection regarding the morality of war and the ways in which it was being fought , and of the apparent futility of allowing it to continue along its present drift , no real advantage accruing to either side in spite of the great cost , both human and financial , to all .
28 The same must be said of the two sets of Images , for although there is no shortage of incidental felicities , I feel that the pianist is apt to over- project this music instead of allowing it to speak for itself .
29 Like all prisoners of circumstance , you will probably reflect a good deal on the whole subject of ‘ time ’ and of its strange habits of hanging , dragging , or running out too quickly , but if you decide to use and dominate it , instead of allowing it to dominate you , you will inevitably come to the conclusion that it is only wasted if it is thrown away , never when it is offered freely , as a gift of love .
30 Even if BT gets over the hurdle of proving it does not need a licence , it will still face restrictions on the types of service it can offer .
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