Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] they are " in BNC.

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1 However , the motives for building them are , in most cases , very much less so .
2 Old systems for protecting them are collapsing , and shrinking incomes increase the incentive to sell them .
3 Timothy demonstrates the type of singing they are looking for and Frank latches on .
4 The problems of using them are , too , quite large .
5 Ways of using them are discussed in the next three chapters .
6 And the reason they are not up to the job is that those in charge of hiring them are mostly men .
7 Readers will soon discern , on page 42 if not earlier , that in the personality of Quisling they are faced with a thundering , breathtaking , unsurpassable bore : ‘ He lacked a sense of humour to give him balance . ’
8 " Liquidated " simply means that the damages or the method of calculating them are fixed and agreed .
9 Whatever your Dreams , the steps towards achieving them are the same .
10 The goals of the organisation are on the whole shared or accepted by its members : only the means of achieving them are in dispute .
11 They are good little theoretical exercises because they are easily described and algorithms for solving them are easily programmed , but they have a lot of symmetry , which is most uncommon in real life .
12 WOMEN need confidence , which begins with believing they are good at what they do .
13 These disadvantages can usually be coped with providing they are recognized .
14 He tricks its members into thinking they are part of a revolutionary network extending across Russia , and at the local level he generates pseudo-purposeful activities which culminate in Shatov 's murder .
15 What good is an educational system which fools youngsters into thinking they are much cleverer than they really are and lets them loose on the working world ( not that there 's much work there ) with worthless qualifications ?
16 If real wages are lower , then in the short run employment will rise to and output to i.e. output rises above its equilibrium level because people are ‘ fooled ’ into thinking they are working for real wage when they are actually working for real wage .
17 Soil tests to discover the pH are easily done , and the kits for doing them are provided with instructions by several garden product companies , and stocked at garden shops .
18 To deny them to the least of our brethren is to deny them to ourselves , for in saying they are irredeemable we are saying there is no hope for us either .
19 In other words , they work at it — which is a quite different thing from saying they are psychologically predisposed to remain relaxed under pressure .
20 They misunderstand the purpose of the miracles in thinking they are meant to bring about faith .
21 At a time when prize money — real prize money — has all but disappeared from rallying they are INCREASING the cash on offer for their end of June Burmah Rally in Lurgan Park .
22 The mass audiences and the technology for reaching them are what give the press and electronic media their character as mass media .
23 Of course fresh approaches to teaching them are necessary .
24 Americans , threatened by nothing more bellicose to their north and south than Canada and Mexico , are not accustomed to thinking they are in a battle zone .
25 Girls can be encouraged to take modules in technology without feeling they are committing themselves to two years ' or more work ; low achieving pupils can take a range of modules without suffering the indignity of following a programme that marks them out as ‘ different ’ .
26 In societies where there is a strong emphasis on certain goals , but where the means for obtaining them are unavailable to most citizens , the result is a situation of anomie ; a situation , in other words , where the rules and standards governing behaviour have lost their influence and force and are liable to be ignored , and where shared norms or rules no longer determine and direct behaviour .
27 ‘ I know it sounds bizarre to say that when someone has made an awful lot of money and had a lot of fame and adulation , but you can wreck their minds , you can wreck their self-ego and esteem by giving them the whole wrong picture of themselves by pretending they are good at one thing when they are not and boosting other things .
28 A new bill , which will become law in October , will close a legal loophole which allows unscrupulous badger diggers to avoid prosecution by claiming they are digging for foxes .
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