Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Doctor was using a pocket mirror to see what was going on outside without sticking his head out of the window , Howard was over by a small stove cooking several breakfasts , the hospital staff were milling about seeing to their patients , and Petion was being shaved by an orderly using a piece of broken glass .
2 Angry with herself for reacting to him , she peeled off her wet swimsuit and vigorously began to towel her body .
3 ‘ Your plans are quite praiseworthy , Sophie , and I respect you for sticking to them .
4 Erm now in general terms , this budget keeps within policy guidelines and I am grateful to Environment Committee for sticking to their lower level and help us out as mentioned yesterday .
5 May we come to respect ourselves for sticking to our principles and living our lives with honesty and integrity .
6 ‘ After all the controversy that surrounded it , we were congratulated for sticking to our guns and doing the production . ’
7 He has rebuilt confidence and , on the triumphant journey home , the captain , Bryan Robson , was applauded for thanking him ‘ for sticking to his principles ’ .
8 Clough has deserved the plaudits for sticking to his football principles but , as he knows , it takes courage to play your football at the top of the League too .
9 His final point about trust is fair enough , it sounds like he has had a gutful of Leeds fans berating him for sticking to his guns .
10 However in this instance there is no a priori reason for binding to one rather than the other , so we assume that both sites are equally occupied .
11 One of the conditions for ascribing to oneself experiences of a mind-independent reality , Kant argued , was that we should be capable of distinguishing between those sequences of perceptions ( if you like , ‘ representations delivered up by the input systems ’ ) which are determined by the movement of objects and those which are determined by our own movements .
12 He may be judging whether or not it 's worth returning to it . ’
13 I am writing to let you know about the arrangements for returning to you those items from the SRO which were kindly lent to our Robert Adam exhibition , ‘ Monumental Reputation ’ .
14 We give you thanks , almighty Father , for revealing to us in Christ , the light of nations , the mystery of our salvation .
15 ‘ Mrs Benson has been here waiting very patiently , ’ she said , and , after apologising to her client , Sophie set to work .
16 ‘ Mr and Mrs Woodhead had a domestic argument after returning to their home after the mayormaking and the police were called .
17 Adam also wrote the De Utensilibus ad Domum Regendam , a treatise composed after returning to his native village which he had left over eleven years before ; its use of quaint and archaic words was designed to show his knowledge of learned terminology in naming objects of everyday life .
18 Father Morrow spoke yesterday of his visit to the Blands ' home after returning to his base at Humanae Vitae House , a former 18th century Catholic chapel in the Deeside village of Braemar which has become the focus of his national campaign .
19 Jim Rodgers said a delegation of UUP councillors was still awaiting a meeting with the Security Minister after writing to him ten days ago .
20 I did manage to find the address of the company through an advert , but after writing to them I have had no reply and so I am unable to recharge the 2-lb of resin that I have used .
21 By the way , after writing to you on Sunday , the mood came , and I wrote the story of Kheydius , 12 close pages , straight off , almost satisfactorily , too .
22 Asked whether he thought Mr McNeill had intended to make a racist comment , Mr Maan said that after listening to him he felt it had been an error of judgment and that Mr McNeill had not meant to offend anybody .
23 Asked whether he thought Mr McNeill had intended to make a racist comment , Mr Maan said that after listening to him he felt it had been an error of judgment and that Mr McNeill had not meant to offend anybody .
24 After listening to my Sikh sisters ' accounts of their lives and relationships and the sensitive Izzat of their men I had the feeling that for Sikhs Izzat is not pride or honour — it is male ego , pure and simple .
25 After listening to my heart and extracting a syringe-full of blood from an artery , they connected my right arm to the drip-feed .
26 After listening to it on his headphones for a few minutes , Syrian George stopped the tape , looked Mikalis up and down and turned to Coleman .
27 He claimed that after confessing to them , Newall had planned to flee to Brazil and told police he even thought of shooting his way to freedom after his arrest .
28 After going to his parents ' home at about 5am , Abram , who had earlier been out drinking in the nearby Valkaries pub , washed his blood stained trainers and dried them in the microwave oven , it was claimed .
29 Officials of the club he plays for , Brynamman , contacted the WRU yesterday to explain his position after speaking to him .
30 After speaking to him once or twice and receiving no reply , Hazel thought it best to let him alone .
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