Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These whiskers are sensitive not only to touch but to taste , so the fish can tell what on the river bed in front of its mouth is worth eating and what is not .
2 Hope these will come in useful ; I got 2 of as many as I could , so you could have one for handling and one for display — or for pinning up to show both sides .
3 This keyword specifies whether the volume can be used for formatting and which modules will be hard copied .
4 Of course although we 're talking about dying and nobody wants to think about dying let's remind ourselves it 's the only certainty in this life .
5 Traditionally , hill sheep farmers have sold store lambs to lowland farmers for fattening and it is the latter who should benefit from the variable premia .
6 Next month I will finally fall of the back page , to be replaced by columns of Classified Ads inserted by 60-year-old male Vl Diff leaders seeking 24-year-old female partners for climbing and what have you .
8 It was too hot for sunbathing and it would still be stuffy below decks .
9 After modernising and its network , BT is about to benefit from a rapid fall-off in investment and staffing costs .
10 A significant difference might arise when the child learns about the possibility of detection and punishment after lying and its various moral implications .
11 Because it said on the packet you 'll plant them immediately after buying and we do n't know when Aunty Gwen bought them and it might rain tomorrow as well , I think I ought to put them in while it 's fine , now
12 This usually all works well with a large one-off competition , but if you have organised a series of regional newspaper competitions , for example , you will need to have a foolproof system to ensure that winners receive their prizes shortly after winning and you do not have irate editors ringing up saying that their readers are growing angry at the lack of delivery .
13 In one sense these findings may be seen as an argument for mainstreaming and it is appropriate to pause for a moment to consider this view .
14 ‘ They say that pain is good for writing and I 'm not sure about that , but I guess my trouble is I do n't know how to keep a distance .
15 This fear and anxiety about ageing and our future elderly selves is probably common to us all .
16 He did eighty-two years of caddying and I think he was perhaps the oldest caddie still working before he finally packed it in .
17 The evening breeze also brought the sounds of singing and he recognised the lusty bellowing of Ranulf .
18 Like Dom Pérignon , Brother Oudart was interested in perfecting the art of winemaking and we know , from a record of a transaction which took place at Pierry on 9 September 1713 , that he was visited at least once by the older cellarmaster from Hautvillers .
19 Here , the study of foregrounding and its interpretation is likely to be a better guide to the aesthetic function of language than the study of stylistic variants .
20 On the preliminary issue the judge dismissed the application holding that a local authority could sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation even though no financial loss was pleaded or alleged , that where a local authority instituted proceedings in reliance on section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 it was for the local authority to decide on the expediency of litigating and it was not the court 's function to do so on an application to strike out , and that since the words complained of reflected on the local authority itself in the management and rectitude of its financial affairs , the statement of claim did disclose a cause of action against the defendants .
21 There are , indeed , many ways of praying and I will deal with some of them later .
22 Motability can provide the names of professional organisations who can assess the needs of the disabled person and advise them whether or not they are capable of driving and what sort of car and adaptations they might need .
23 One example of this is the discounts offered to tenants purchasing local authority houses : these were altered in 1984 when sales showed signs of flagging and they were increased on flats in 1986 because few buyers could be found for flats .
24 He knew American society from his days of wandering and he could recreate it effortlessly .
25 I think its because erm I do n't , I 'm not happy with mine because it it shows signs of ageing and it reminds me that I 'm getting older and I do n't like that
26 Roger Thetford says it 's an extension of orinteering and it 's a real challenge
27 By the end of six months your boyfriend may be tired of waiting and your accommodation problem will be solved . ’
28 Are they , are they have they , are they stupid , have they gone totally mad and they 're obstructing this thing for ever and ever and ever just for the sake of obstructing and you have t to listen to what they say on on this , the argument that we 're having here and have had here and the argument that we 've had about old people 's homes , they 've been two running sores in this authority and hopefully today in both of them we 'll be making progress and I think I 'd like to .
29 He had never before been accused of stealing and it did not sit well with him .
30 So persistent was the language that it had become no more remarkable than just another wayward manner of speaking and their sons paid so little attention to it that it might well have been one of the many private languages of love .
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