Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] you have " in BNC.

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1 It may have unlimited funds or it may have very tight ones ; most fall somewhere in between so you have to think creatively about raising the additional finance to do the job properly .
2 They would of if you had n't put them in a boil wash
3 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
4 ‘ It 's really a case of if you 've got it , make sure everybody knows you 've got it . ’
5 It wor even , providing you have n't got a lot of if you 've only got about a hundred people it 's not too bad that cos it , it also creates a bit more atmosphere .
6 If you if any of if you have say er any problems with the people in the flats that you could actually go to would help you in any way ?
7 Do n't forget you 're gon na get a lot of if you have a whole trout you 've got skin and
8 This extra pension is paid either when you claim your pension or when you reach 70(65) , regardless of whether you have retired from work or not .
9 This will take account of whether you have achieved the required standards and met your agreed objectives .
10 You can correct the errors in the specified input file using the editor $EDIT which can be accessed by pressing PF1/1 — the Breakout key ; the use of this key is fully described in Appendix A. When you leave the editor , LIFESPAN will display the Scan A Module page once again , exactly as it was before regardless of whether you have or have not corrected the error .
11 What about if you 'd received a harsher sentence ?
12 Erm so think about if you 've got a non-working partner or somebody on a low income to spread the money er so that you , has anybody already done this er you know prior to retirement ?
13 Now if I 'd said how about if you had erm sixty add sixty do you think you could do that ?
14 and then just generally play with it say , Oh I wonder what would happen if you put two thirds together , how many twelfths would that be or what about if you had a third and you wanted to take a quarter away , if you cut a quarter off it .
15 I 'll just tell you about if you have it splitting .
16 What about if you have to write it ?
17 You felt as if you 'd signed the Official Secrets Act .
18 After Sandwich it was just as if you 'd gone deaf — no spectator noise , only four people watching !
19 It 's as if you 'd gone out into the bigger world and found out that it 's frightening or that it hurts , so you go home .
20 People look at you as if you 'd said you had plague .
21 ‘ You look as if you 'd seen a ghost , ’ was her greeting .
22 It can also ‘ sort of ’ recognize your handwriting and convert it into text that can be read by any application — just as if you 'd typed it in .
23 as if you 'd always known
24 I mean , er FIMBRA can do its regulatory bit , the same as the police can regulate or the , or the government can regulate , but only within certain er parameters , and if somebody really wants to cheat , then they will cheat anyway and er we 've go we 're in a very sophisticated position where the directors of B C C I were able to move money from one continent to another and it meant er it looked as if you 'd actually got money in three separate areas , but in fact there was only one lot and it was being moved rapidly .
25 " You sound as if you 'd done it before , " said Anna .
26 And people think more of you if you have nice things — as if you 'd once had a ‘ beautiful home ’ , ’ she gave the words a slightly scornful emphasis that made Ianthe feel uncomfortable .
27 I felt as if you 'd left me … as if I was alone on a bridge and there was no safe place at all … ’
28 ‘ Not at all as if you 'd just dismounted from a horse .
29 It seemed as if you 'd swept those moments from your mind — at least , you made me feel you were doing your best to forget them . ’
30 That you 're greeted in the first place with erm either silence or some vague and not singularly hopeful mutter , but more importantly with a curious facial expression mingled between erm dread and contempt , sort of thing you 'd expect as if you 'd said you were a sorcerer .
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