Example sentences of "[prep] [det] place at " in BNC.

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1 What was the name of that place at Broadhurst something Hall ?
2 The problem is that there is nothing remotely central about these places at all .
3 Only those who come from that place at that time can judge .
4 But underneath the veil of whimsy , we are still left with some valuable evidence of the life and traditions of those people in that place at that time .
5 She had never been to Ireland and said that she had never read anything about that country , and yet she was able to supply an abundance of detail about the way of life in that place at an earlier time .
6 He had a passionate love of music and in another world at another time might have made a fine musician , but there , held in that place at that moment , there were other plans , other duties , other paths .
7 I did point out that you were supposed to have been in another place at the time … ’
8 It occurs to me , being in this place at this time with no sign of an approaching end to the Kaffir war and all things uncertain , that it may be of interest to record the passages of everyday life if only as a source of remembrance and reflection in later years .
9 The criterion of land under cultivation is crude , and resists refinement : it is exceedingly difficult to say whether in a particular country in a particular decade or generation the rate of growth was steady ; in some places at some times there may well have been local and temporary declines .
10 They say he can be in several places at once , can work magic , hypnotise with his eyes , cause death , resuscitate corpses , make women pregnant with a glance .
11 Detectives said the fire appeared to have started in several places at once .
12 The latest version of this desktop planetarium allows you to view the Night Sky 's Constellations and deep sky objects from any place at any time .
13 she were gon na look at that place at er Audrey 's brother 's got it same as Walter 's , er second hand stuff to see if they could get a little bit of something , start him off , like , you know
14 where you 're just watching , helping , washing a few cups with somebody and , and then going on a course one or two days a week , and then you 're consider whether being took on and even if you 're not took on at that place at least you 've got something to say you 've done when you 're
15 Waqar about to return to the battle , Gower outwardly calm , than whom no Englishman would have preferred another to have been at this place at this hour .
16 Say to yourself , " X was at this place at that time , now what can I use that would indicate that he was not ? "
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