Example sentences of "[prep] [det] when it " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know , I 'll worry about that when it happens .
2 It 's a erm it was let's see what we can do to these nasty Labour controlled authorities and see how we can break down their erm their control of education and immediately they introduce it then suddenly the things start happening and they have second thoughts about it , and I 'm sure as night follows day that they 're going to have second thoughts about this when it actually occurs .
3 And then after , in the winter , and then after that when it was near hay time , I had to go out and help with the hay .
4 After all when it is said and done ,
5 The country dwellers are saying leave us alone to run our own lives , after all when it comes to funding they are left to run their own lives anyway .
6 But more of that when it happens .
7 Then , calmly : ‘ We went through all of that when it happened , Cardiff .
8 Time enough to think of that when it happened .
9 The effect of this when it is accepted is very far reaching because the more an idea is tested the more it is validated and criticism becomes not a threat but an opportunity to strengthen the idea ; and what is more important scientists cease to have the same proprietorial attitude towards in idea .
10 So I I think you get bored with some of this when it 's easy you 're looking at that and you think , Oh I can do this just put a W in front of tr .
11 Nobody 's interest is served by the suppression of the truth ; least of all when it is undertaken in a spirit of cowardice and a refusal to face facts .
12 Emptiness again ; somehow a kitchen , which is the warm heart of any house , is the worst place of all when it is disused .
13 Every step away from the cloister was a step further from salvation — bad enough in any case , worst of all when it meant a turning from the spiritual embrace of Christ to an impure love .
14 The most imperative need of all when it comes to Lord 's where leg spinners often make their presence felt , is for England to have at least two left handers and to see how Warne gets on against them .
15 I do n't mind , bills like that when it 's all so nice .
16 I knew what was wrong with that when it came to me .
17 We 'll stick with that when it comes to false papers and so on . ’
18 We 'll deal with that when it comes , we 're to it yet , anywhere near .
19 There can be no good reason to object to this when it is recognised that efficiency incorporates personal factors such as safety , health and quality of working life as well as system factors such as productivity and quality of work .
20 To have one standing in the corner of every room in the house is a tremendous help to an old person who can not bend ; although , of course , one will suffice , as it can be carried from one room to another when it is needed .
21 An organism adapts to another when it changes itself to suit the latter .
22 I wonder if it counts for anything at all when it comes to expressing more profound thought .
23 And if a company has n't filed accounts at all when it 's supposed to have done , that should tell you something about the organization of the company .
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