Example sentences of "[prep] [det] be the " in BNC.

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1 Er , we have n't , in the scheme that 's before you , we have n't been able to take account of , of all the things that people have said and I think the most significant point about that is the comments that Road should also be covered by this scheme .
2 But the only thing awkward I suppose about that is the fact you 've got to erm carry it around .
3 But the only thing awkward I suppose about that is the fact you 've got to erm , carry it around .
4 What he remembered most about that was the sense of unreality .
5 Jan Turner says that he helped organise an evererst marathon a few years ago and one sad thing about that was the local runners could not afford the right equipment or did n't have the money to tarin … so he 's here to help them
6 ‘ I 'll tell you what , ’ he said , ‘ you can have it for £60 as that 's the last size 10 I 've got , and I 've got to pack up in a minute and it 's raining .
7 Well it 's obvious that any er settlement in that area would have an impact on the A sixty four as that 's the only access into that area .
8 As that 's the best I can do I 'm afraid .
9 One of those you 've already met in detail in terms of kinetics as that was the idea of reaction was n't it Chris ?
10 So it was swinging back and forth almost coming to the rock and we thought well if that mine goes off that 's the end of it .
11 In which case , the only respite is too regain vestiges of trust ; and the only clear mechanism for that is the over-arching responsibility of the Press Council .
12 In which case , the only respite is too regain vestiges of trust ; and the only clear mechanism for that is the over-arching responsibility of the Press Council .
13 The mayor does not automatically become Lord Mayor for that is the subject of a further grant from the Crown .
14 Banks ' concerns are dark , and no less profound for being seen through the glass of adolescence — for that is the much underrated emotional and cultural condition in which Scotland still finds itself .
15 That has now changed Eastern arts no longer support the gallery now one obvious reason for that is the gallery started so well because of the enthusiasm from a number of professional people who came along and gave their advice and much of their time and such a body of people has not been called upon for a number of years now and once again a request to discuss this with Mr was refused .
16 On the other hand , for the second state unc unc for that is the just the mathematical statement that the polariser extinguishes this state .
17 It 's our view Chairman that the figure of a hundred and forty five hectares for the Greater York area is too high , erm the basis for that is the government guidance P P G twelve , paragraph five point one three , which says that the structure plan should provide a strategic framework for local plans development control and it should also indicate broad areas of restraint on development .
18 The reason for that is the ability to use natural gas as a feedstock .
19 Quality Management means that we could have as much as 30% more time and effort to devote to our real jobs — for that is the amount of time and effort expended in British businesses sorting out things that have gone wrong .
20 A major reason for that was the timing .
21 The £250,000 question — for that was the size of Phoenix House 's advance — is whether reviewers'superlatives will match the publisher 's hype ( ‘ Bold comparisons invite the reviewer 's rebuke , but … ’ ) to make these apparently intimidating statistics seem at worst challenging , at best irrelevant .
22 Dr Martin Knapp , Deputy Director , Personal Social Services Research Unit , University of Kent I am going to talk about the programme of pilot , projects described in " Care in the Community : The First Steps The starting point for that was the 1983 Care in the community circular which referred only to England and built on the Department of Health 's Care in the community consultative document of 1981 .
23 Yes well the reason for that was the erm the name is to do with the way we commercially market the product .
24 The most startling thing about this is the fact that the crisis in publishing is taking place against a background of an almost limitless book market .
25 What is so interesting about this is the way in which it both resembles , and differs from , Kuhn 's account of changes in ‘ paradigm ’ .
26 What is problematic about this is the common assumption that it is caused by , and in turn indicates , some relationship of efficiency between the object and its use , such that this is the prime reason for its particular form , being either the natural outcome of adaptation , or the product of deliberate design processes for industrial goods .
27 The other good thing about this is the recession through it .
28 Another one of the most er interesting bits of evidence about this is the rate of fraternal twinning .
29 What about this is the more worrying one is n't it ?
30 What the older Michael mostly remembered about this were the games — croquet in which the parents joined the children , tennis , a sort of squash with his brother hitting a tennis ball against a veranda wall , expeditions up the river through the Backs and then up to the village of Grantchester .
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