Example sentences of "[prep] [det] be those " in BNC.

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1 The best sources of all are those foods which have a high percentage of fibre and tend also to be consumed in reasonably large quantities … without providing too many calories , if you are slimming !
2 The people I like best of all are those who write to me several times as this gives me ‘ feed-back ’ on whether my solution to their original problem was correct , or the information I provided useful .
3 Perhaps the most bizarre imitations of all are those of some orchids that attract insects by sexual impersonation .
4 The most terrifying ants of all are those that make no nest but wander through the countryside seeking prey .
5 The most brilliantly patterned of all are those fish that live in clear sunlit waters where their designs are easily seen — in tropical lakes and rivers and , particularly and most lavishly , around coral reefs .
6 In Europe the only flows of any consequence occur on small volcanic islands in the Mediterranean , the most famous of all being those on the island of Lipari , which are thought to have been erupted about 1,400 years ago .
7 Perhaps the thorniest problems of all were those created by the aspirations of regions whose linguistic and cultural identities were actually distinct from those of Spain , or more properly of Castile .
8 Conditions such as these are those usually adopted in diagrammatic representations of the process .
9 Most important among these are those which concern ‘ the distribution of the available wealth ’ .
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