Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 In the event the Plymouth group did very little after 1609 but in 1607 the Londoners committed themselves more fully than before and launched an expedition which founded a settlement at Jamestown in Chesapeake Bay .
2 It was extensive in Glasgow , and grew rapidly in London after 1888 and in many smaller towns .
3 The desire or need for a fresh start arose either because , as in the United States , some neighbouring communities wished to unite together under a new government ; or because , as in Austria or Hungary or Czechoslovakia after 1918 , communities had been released from an Empire as the result of a war and were now free to govern themselves ; or because , as in France in 1789 or the U.S.S.R. in 1917 , a revolution had made a break with the past and a new form of government on new principles was desired ; or because , as in Germany after 1918 or in France in 1875 or in 1946 , defeat in war had broken the continuity of government and a fresh start was needed after the war .
4 An exhibition of Max Ernst 's most important period , covering his work as a Dada artist in Cologne after 1912 and in Paris in the years following the end of World War I , opens at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , in the middle of this month ( 14 March-2 May ) .
5 ( In France , of course , republicanism , the prevalent form of the left , was already well-established in certain rural regions after 1848 and in a moderate form enjoyed majority support in some after 1871 . )
6 It was after eight-thirty and in a few minutes the family would sit down to eat while she stood at the end of the table , still working .
7 Clubmate Stewart Raven finished second in the competition for Under-17s and in the Under-15 contest , Robin Knight came third and Ipswich School sabreur Alisdair Cullen won the plate .
8 In the second half of 1934 and in 1935 the movement all but collapsed as a national force , and to revive its fortunes the fascist political programme was de-emphasized and instead more attention was paid to fomenting local and regional grievances in populist campaigns .
9 The statutory wording of the Bill was therefore similar to that in the Act of 1948 and in section 63(2) of the Finance Act 1976 .
10 However , in terms of the Act of 1980 and in the light of what has been stated above , the school 's admission criteria still played a part in the panel 's deliberations .
11 The decision was made purely in terms of the Act of 1980 and in the light of what has been stated above , the school 's admission criteria .
12 They do them in packs of fifty but in
13 These words , which reflect what was said by Sir George Jessel M.R. in 1879 , seem to be wholly consistent not just with the wording of section 236 but also with the purposes of the administration as set out in section 8(3) of the Act of 1986 and in particular :
14 Downstream , in light of high product stocks , industry refining margins in the USA and Europe are expected to be lower in the first quarter of 1993 than in the fourth quarter of 1992 .
15 We completed the film during the early summer of 1979 and in August Mountbatten was granted the quick but not peaceful death he had asked for when his boat was blown up by an IRA bomb off the west coast of Ireland .
16 Has not he forgotten to mention that between 1979 and 1981 investment fell sharply and that it was lower in the third quarter of 1991 than in any other quarter — 12 per cent .
17 Certainly he played extremely well in that position after Peter Wall was injured for most of 1972–73 and in the first half of 1973–74 , and it was from that position that he captained the Palace side .
18 The issue is a narrow one , namely whether on the true construction of section 9(4) of the Act of 1975 and in the light of the facts that ( a ) Dr. Hayes was a servant of the Crown at the time when he made his investigation into the Lockerbie disaster , ( b ) he has since retired from the service of the Crown , and ( c ) that the evidence sought relates to what he discovered when acting as such a servant , the court has any power to make the order sought .
19 Few of its members , remembering the success of Lloyd George in 1981 , expected to win against the personal appeal of Winston Churchill , who was regarded almost universally as the principal saviour of the country , not only in the crisis of 1940 but in the years of partnership with foreign allies .
20 The Jet project is formally er continuing until the end of 1992 but in recent months we 've had some very great successes in Jet , the work we 've done is of very high quality and , and certainly world leading , and we can see the way ahead to building an experimental reactor after Jet but there are some very important experiments that need to be done before then .
21 One sometimes gets the impression that IBM Corp is more solicitous over the needs of its Stamford , Connecticut-based IBM Credit Corp subsidiary than it is over its own , and yesterday , in the wake of the parent 's big $285m loss , IBM Credit was able to announce that profits actually rose 0.3% at $58.3m ; the return on average equity was 20.2% , compared with 21.3% in the first quarter of 1992 and in the first three months of 1993 , IBM Credit originated financing for $1,700m of equipment , software and services for IBM 's customers and distribution channels , down 22% on the figure for the first quarter 1992 — financing for end users decreased by 45% to $600m while financing for distribution channels decreased by 1% to $1,100 , the company noted .
22 The only concession forced through before the critical days in September was on the tax allowance to foster parents who were now able to claim for any child in their care under the age of sixteen or in full-time education .
23 In the drought year of 1976 and in this summer , too , many trees were stressed by lack of water .
24 Basingstoke can look back with pride , not only in a record crowd of 4,091 but in extending the reputation of non-League clubs for friendliness .
25 Partly because of French opposition to closer US-European links , the US abandoned this plan at the end of 1964 and in December the Six managed to agree on an important element of the CAP common cereal prices .
26 In the first case the pay-off is £500k with a probability of 0.7 and in the second — £250k with a probability of 0.3 .
27 It is surely a powerful confirmation of his underlying concern with tragedy throughout the whole of 1871 that in this period we find , again and again , lengthy drafts and preliminary studies for one part or other of BT , but no other sizeable fragments ascribable to a " large " book " about Greece " and falling outside the actual book 's eventual range .
28 The Government found itself not in a majority of 87 but in a minority of 92 .
29 It took an active part in the National Charter Campaign of 1931 and in the Bermondsey Unity Congress of 1934 .
30 This uncertainty hung over the European Fusion Programme at the start of 1989 and in Britain , home of JET , there were further questions being asked about the future of fusion and nuclear energy in general .
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