Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was let out between eight and half-past in the morning , locked back in at dinner time , let out to do the washing up and scrub the kitchen floor in the afternoon , and then locked up again .
2 He holds the bat aloft for comfort , so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly , believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought .
3 He holds the bat aloft for comfort , so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly , believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought .
4 Our new corporate image is the visible evidence of a revised strategy for the future which you will see emerging as we progress through 1993 and into 1994 .
5 Data are presented for 1963–83 and for 1984–90 .
6 State prosecutors on Sept. 24 filed a further seven counts of tax evasion against her , claiming that she had failed to pay taxes amounting to US$205 million on her income for 1985-86 and on the estate left by her late husband .
7 The BUF was contained by an unofficial publicity boycott in the media after 1934 and by the surveillance of the Security Service .
8 The Lancashire cotton industry grew so spectacularly after 1770 that by 1803 cotton had replaced wool as Britain 's leading export , a pre-eminent position that it was to hold until 1938 .
9 Can you ring him some time after eight or between eight thirty and nine cos he 's gon na be so we
10 In the event the Plymouth group did very little after 1609 but in 1607 the Londoners committed themselves more fully than before and launched an expedition which founded a settlement at Jamestown in Chesapeake Bay .
11 After 2200 and before 0100 , 217 ( 26.8% ) of the visits were to children aged under 5 years whereas only 110 ( 14.2% ) of the visits later in the night were to this age group ( χ 2 =37.47 , df=1 , p<0.001 ) .
12 Because of the heat games never started before four and they had to finish soon after six because of the early Egyptian twilight .
13 It was extensive in Glasgow , and grew rapidly in London after 1888 and in many smaller towns .
14 And the other game in group A , Bolton have pulled a goal back against Brescia , it 's now one apiece , for Brescia after three and with the equalizer on thirty nine .
15 In contrast to the Hong Kong Basic Law , the Macao draft law imposed no restrictions on foreign passport holders taking key posts in Macao after 1999 except for the chief executive who could not gain right of abode in a foreign country during his term of office .
16 After 1952 and until 1967 this setup gave a forward position which included extra capacitance in the circuitry to give the neck pickup a ‘ bassier ’ sound , allowing it to supply bass-ish lines .
17 The desire or need for a fresh start arose either because , as in the United States , some neighbouring communities wished to unite together under a new government ; or because , as in Austria or Hungary or Czechoslovakia after 1918 , communities had been released from an Empire as the result of a war and were now free to govern themselves ; or because , as in France in 1789 or the U.S.S.R. in 1917 , a revolution had made a break with the past and a new form of government on new principles was desired ; or because , as in Germany after 1918 or in France in 1875 or in 1946 , defeat in war had broken the continuity of government and a fresh start was needed after the war .
18 Where the death happens after 12/11/74 but before the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , the termination of his interest is not a chargeable transfer .
19 ( b ) If the death takes place after 12/11/74 and before the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , any estate duty is to be claimed under the said Section 2 ( 1 ) ( b ) ( i ) or ( ii ) , but the duty is payable at CTT rates , any agricultural relief is given on full estate duty terms , there is no timber relief but taper relief can be claimed , and in the case of a surviving spouse the exempting provisions of Section 5 ( 2 ) of the Finance Act , 1894 , can apply ; and the persons accountable for the duty in terms of Section 44 of the Finance Act , 1950 , can pay such as relates to qualifying property by instalments .
20 An exhibition of Max Ernst 's most important period , covering his work as a Dada artist in Cologne after 1912 and in Paris in the years following the end of World War I , opens at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , in the middle of this month ( 14 March-2 May ) .
21 ( In France , of course , republicanism , the prevalent form of the left , was already well-established in certain rural regions after 1848 and in a moderate form enjoyed majority support in some after 1871 . )
22 That this began to happen only after 1760 and to be anywhere near completion only after 1790 has perhaps rather less to do with the availability of investment funds , or the level of engineering knowledge , than with the overall pace of industrialisation , urbanisation and demographic increase .
23 The Labour Party has remained a problem for socialists , as the experience of Labour in government after 1966 and over the period 1979 rather confirmed .
24 While the General Strike might be viewed as a watershed by some historians who feel that the trade union position worsened considerably after 1926 , this was clearly not the case ; trade unions were less frequently attacked by employers after 1926 than before and the pace of wage reductions slowed considerably .
25 However , the Act did not apply to new dwellings built after 1919 or to dwellings converted to flats after that date .
26 In talks with leaders from the Baltic states on Sept. 10 the Soviet Defence Minister , Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , maintained that Soviet troops would not be able to leave until after 1994 because of the problem of housing troops in the Soviet Union .
27 It was after eight-thirty and in a few minutes the family would sit down to eat while she stood at the end of the table , still working .
28 Whilst what is meant by ‘ organised backlash ’ is never made clear , it is probably not unreasonable to infer that it implies that it occurred after 1968 and within a limited historical period .
29 Moderator I 've asked for this new clause to come in immediately after seven because of what in accepting seven we 've just done .
30 Indeed , they lost Gooch , Hick — cheaply again — and Stewart before they were in credit ; but with Smith mixing careworn defence and carefree attack , once pulling Su'a for six while on one knee as the Samoan attempted some left-arm spin , and Lamb all bustle and energy , English fears were eased going into the last day .
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