Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Often perches on posts and other prominent lookouts ; bobs , waggles head , and may turn it through 180 when curious or suspicious .
2 Up to about 1867 only finite groups were considered .
3 Fama carried out similar tests for 30 randomly selected firms quoted on the NYSE .
4 Hill House caters for 12 mentally handicapped residents with learning difficulties .
5 Remembering that anything that bodes to threaten concentration in wood-machining is a prime risk , let us consider a router cutter revolving at anything up to 24,000rpm sitting midway between 12 highly unstably-sprung devices whose proper purpose in life is the support of wet laundry on a clothes line .
6 The scheme of conversion was designed to provide fair rent accommodation for 118 mainly young , single , local people , either in bedsitters or flats which two or four people would share .
7 Just as the closing of the pleasure houses of the 1870s had thrown prostitutes onto the streets , so the suppression of brothels after 1885 probably increased street prostitution , at the same time pushing prostitutes into massage parlours and flats , and into the arms of ‘ bullies ’ , who became mythical figures of popular fears in the new moral panic over the white slave trade before 1912 .
8 This aspect became even more important after 1963 when public sector intervention took the form of the provision of mass housing ( 'large flatted estates of a form never built for the market' ; Dunleavy , 1981:1 ) on redeveloped inner sites and in inner-ring locales like Killing worth .
9 After three very intensive days under the leadership of Lindsay Mitchell , ex Manager of SCOTVEC 's research project on Competency Testing and now employed by Barbara Shelborn Associates , the NDOs left the Workshop to develop their skills by writing Higher National Units in their own occupational areas .
10 Poor old Yallop , Spruce thought , had had quite a day of it after twenty-five entirely uneventful — and promotionless — years in the force .
11 ‘ It would be very chancy after one o'clock impossible , I 'd say . ’
12 That being so , the Capriati 's turned to Slozil , who had been in tear when Steffi presented him with a gold watch to mark their parting after five mostly triumphant years .
13 Starting dates , after two exceptionally early seasons , have returned to the more traditional early July point .
14 And after two painfully brave campaigns for the cause , John Emburey 's decision this time to cash in the krugerrands is fairly understandable .
15 After two very noisy and unruly hours , with the local police trying to keep law and order , the angry mob reluctantly dispersed .
16 For example , if the examination lasts from 10.00 to 13.00 hours the time-table for six equally weighted questions would be as follows
17 Legislative elections were scheduled for 1991 following formal registration of political parties .
18 The National Health Service Act of 1948 only acknowledged and institutionalised those divisions , it did not cause them , just as the 1974 reorganisation has done nothing to diminish them .
19 Using the normal constraints for visual hemifield studies , four conditions were administered to a small group of eight severely/profoundly deaf native signers ( i.e. with deaf parents ) :
20 The present research involves making extensive video recordings in the homes of eight carefully selected families and submitting them to various forms of analysis .
21 David 's application was successful and along with nine other students he will shortly be setting off for one of eight specially selected Earthwatch projects for two weeks of hard work , learning and fun .
22 The result showed that a manager 's team behaviour fell into one or more of eight fairly distinct team roles , as follows :
23 On the other side of the gorge stood a line of eight irregularly shaped monoliths .
24 The indoor events had generally been held in the village hall but this had to be booked in advance , so the sudden change involved trying to push upwards of 500 dripping wet people into Greenside Church , a building designed for 300 .
25 But the expedition 's leader and the discoverer of the tablets , Mr Gene Savoy , is a respected figure in the world of archaeology who is credited with the location of 43 previously unknown Inca cities in Peru .
26 In Sarrance she is said to have written a part of her celebrated Heptameron , which is the French equivalent , even if frankly not the equal , of Boccaccio 's Decameron , a collection of seventy-two intermittently salacious stories .
27 Nor was a desire to retaliate for the Triple Intervention of 1895 totally absent .
28 For testing substantive hypotheses Galtung considers a sample of forty perfectly acceptable ( the criterion being the minimum number of cases required for statistical tests to be applicable ) .
29 Pictured with him is the group 's chairman , Tony Edwards one of 22 mainly unemployed people who are building their own homes during the project .
30 Out of 12,000 mostly unskilled workers taken on to staff the park , of which two thirds have been French and the rest from abroad , as many as 4,000 are thought to have quit in the last few months , prompting worries about mounting costs on the operators ' training and employment budgets .
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