Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 I 'm quite sure that the way forward for teachers and parents is within some kind of co-operative framework , and the only way that can work effectively is for each to be aware of other 's needs and difficulties , and the kind of barriers that have existed in the past for parents to get into schools I think are being lowered by the schools , but it takes almost a generation , I think , for parents to stop being frightened about what school is doing and the kind of parents who 've had bad experiences themselves in schools , I think , have enormous difficulties in approaching teachers and I 'm sure the answer is in terms of co-operative activity — children and schools , schools and parents , and all of them together with myriad of outside agencies that are available for children with severe problems .
2 For that to be true , the diesel must have come of age .
3 For that to be possible , it would , of course , be essential for what is now East Germany to accept fully both the liberal democratic institutions of the Federal Republic and the rights and obligations involved in being part of a member state of the European Community . ’
4 The order for maintenance sounds as if it is something which will be enforced in specie ; yet in fact there is neither good reason to believe this , nor any need for that to be done .
5 You do n't have to gather them together in a group in order for that to be a successful piece of creative activity . ’
6 If I had to I 'd tune it down , but I do n't play enough guitar on the Genesis tour for that to be a problem .
7 If the guitar player has a certain patch on his FX which he 's happy with , and which he wrote the song around , I 'm quite happy for that to be put down as it is .
8 For that to be followed by the Welsh squad members being introduced by the crowd one-by-one in almost American Super Bowl style , and succeeded by an impassioned Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau led by an operatic soprano under spotlights on the half-way line , is likely to induce , ere long , too high an emotional state within crowd and players .
9 It has been suggested that he has claimed to have absorbed the banned substance through eating meat but one observer claimed cryptically yesterday : ‘ He would have to eat three cows a day for that to be the case . ’
10 There 's no hope for a breathing space for the business community as far as Mr Humber is concerned : ‘ We will continue to campaign for the registers to include all sources of contamination , ’ he says grimly , ‘ and we will campaign for not just land liable to be contaminated to be included on the register , but then for that to be backed up by actual investigation of those sites and for that to be put on the registers as well . ’
11 There 's no hope for a breathing space for the business community as far as Mr Humber is concerned : ‘ We will continue to campaign for the registers to include all sources of contamination , ’ he says grimly , ‘ and we will campaign for not just land liable to be contaminated to be included on the register , but then for that to be backed up by actual investigation of those sites and for that to be put on the registers as well . ’
12 For that to be possible , the Silmarils and their chain of stories would have to be multi-faceted indeed , leaving scope for ‘ other minds and hands ’ to add their own significances .
13 But he was too great for that to be true .
14 For that to be possible there are certain conditions , not so far discussed , which must be fulfilled .
15 I direct that an up-to-date psychiatric report be available to the court and to the parties and that the local authority make arrangements for that to be done through the secure unit .
16 The phrase ‘ no action shall be brought ’ is too specific a reference to legal process for that to be a tenable construction .
17 I will simply arrange for that to be sent to the Councils for them to take into account alongside , but not part of , my report .
18 That is the best forum for that to be thrashed out and , I hope , in the end resolved .
19 We fund the budgets on the basis of past practice so there is no reason for that to be so .
20 I asked for that to be done at the earliest opportunity , the following morning at 9 o'clock .
21 I think it would be very helpful to the panel to know what proportion of that thirty six thousand is within the district , within the Greater York area , do n't ask for that to be done now , because it may well involve some difficult arithmetic , perhaps it 's tonight 's homework .
22 I think the the the B W the Barton Willmore analysis appears to overlook the fact , and again Mr Jewitt referred to this when he referred to Easingwold , that settlement evolves over time , and and nobody seems to be addressing the point that that fourteen hundred , fifteen hundred , two thousand houses , however many it is , wo n't appear over night , erm er th it would take some time for that to be to be realized erm and as part of that there 's no clear view as to when the services will come along that are that are necessary to give that community the balance it it said it requires , erm , Mr Timothy from Wood Fram Frampton referred I think to a figure of twelve fifty dwellings for a viable new settlement , and there were plenty ex of of examples , quote , erm that one could look at to see that was the case , erm I I 'd be interested to know where those examples are an and what there make up erm is .
23 Some schools have asked for that to be kept for the sch er you know for them as well .
24 Yeah , if if there 's no-one covering that area then I have to make arrangements for that to be covered which I I will do and that will be .
25 You ca n't tidy up the house until after the fingerprint team have been , and I 've already told you that I 'll arrange for that to be done . ’
26 But again , and in more than one sense , we see too much of Bloom for that to be the whole explanation .
27 In addition Drury persuaded one witness to amend his evidence so as to incriminate Cooper , arranged for another to be shown a photograph of McMahon so as to pick him out in an identification parade , omitted to tell the defence of two witnesses crucial to their case , cited another as prosecution witness to prevent the defence from calling him , and bribed two prisoners in Leicester Prison , where McMahon was on remand , to say that McMahon had admitted to them his part in the crime .
28 It 's alright for some to be able to buy private health care , and then the rest of us can have a diminishing and reducing National Health Service both in Nottinghamshire and throughout the rest of the country .
29 Price recommends all caterers to not only determine the micron thickness when looking at silver-plated cutlery , but also to ask for this to be specified on the invoice .
30 It is n't uncommon for a record contract to allow for a royalty increase of I per cent throughout each year of the agreement , and for this to be raised once certain sales figures have been reached ( commonly , this might be for gold and platinum status albums ) .
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