Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 I kept thinking about that reception as I drove blissfully home .
2 Let's not forget about that aspect as well . ’
3 Covering up for each other as usual — ‘ dog does not eat dog ’ , their sole code of ethics .
4 Admittedly there was only a single bed but that was fine by us ; we kept it warm for each other as we were doing shifts of two hours each .
5 You are as wrong for each other as any two people could be .
6 Three Arbitrators shall be chosen for each case as follows :
7 The discussion illuminates the way in which concepts such as public , private , and rationality have different and asymmetrical effects for each sex as applied to the home and its physical container the house .
8 That those responsible for planning and leading worship make as thorough a preparation for each service as is possible , including the preparation of prayer ( 500 ) .
9 Make a secret WP test for each character as they enter the area .
10 Again , make a secret WP test for each character as they enter here .
11 ‘ Yes ’ is for each day as God seeks to implement in us changes of thinking , choosing , and feeling .
12 Do n't forget to make your chart for each day as you go along .
13 There are suggested menus for each day as for the previous weeks , with the key facts , and daily charts to complete .
14 This was scored by awarding one point for each step as follows : unscrewing bottle lid , tilting head back , gently pulling lower eyelid down , occluding the punctum , aiming accurately , avoiding hand shaking , squeezing bottle , not touching the eye with the bottle and blinking gently and slowly .
15 Foods from all these groups need to be chosen on a daily basis but it helps to think of choosing from at least two of these , including the cereal or fruit and vegetable group , when selecting foods for each meal as well .
16 But he shrugs and says : ‘ We just do our best and prepare as well as possible for each game as it comes .
17 The data thus gained can be assembled under separate headings for each product as follows :
18 I want you to try and do that for as long as you can , the person 's who 's trying to take them off it you try and take them off that point as long as you can , the other person stick to your guns , okay ?
19 It helps if you can bring yourself to take a very positive line of thinking about each problem as it comes along , being as practical and objective as possible , for sometimes the limitations of home life with an old and possibly infirm parent may seem to close round you like a prison .
20 We both draw inferences about each other as we order our perceptions into tidy links .
21 This telephone system provides communication between each extension as well as connections to the public exchange .
22 And over the sounds of Duvall 's pistol shots , a deafening punctuation to the sounds of the beast and the storm , Cardiff could hear Duvall spitting out words between each shot as he descended .
23 ‘ Where the occupier of premises agrees for reward that a person shall have the right to enter and use them for a mutually contemplated purpose , the contract between the parties ( unless it provides to the contrary ) contains an implied warranty that the premises are as safe for that purpose as reasonable care and skill on the part of anyone can make them . ’
24 What the outside world sees as a minister promoting a particular project is probably the end of a long process in which different groups of civil servants within the department have argued about the case for that venture as opposed to other ventures .
25 She felt as much for that girl as if she had been her own flesh and blood .
26 They swear black and blue , they charge you for that meter as well !
27 Erm try and where possible to use the individual communication with them as opposed to erm communicating to them as a member of a group preferably in a relaxed environment er rather than a sort of erm including any decision making pass on as much credit for that decision as possible
28 We pay for that beauty as well as functionality in most goods .
29 Windows NT has been dubbed ‘ Windows Not There ’ by some cynics , because it has n't made an appearance on the marketplace yet , but when it arrives , it ought to have many of the better features of OS/2 version 2 , and , if my information is correct , be able to run programs for that environment as well as native Windows programs and DOS applications .
30 I have come to you tonight as much to thank you for that answer as to explain to those of you who already plan to make your home in Eretz — and to any others who may make such a decision in the future — what lies before you . ’
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