Example sentences of "[prep] [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It just shows how much people take for granted in contemporary society where kissing has become as ordinary as a handshake and the media are constantly giving us the message that sex is only exciting if it is different or forbidden .
2 Is it about time that the Government took the opportunities of our youngest children seriously , gave their parents the opportunities that they are looking for and made sure that children receive the very best start , which is something that is taken for granted in other European countries ?
3 ‘ Many parents are unemployed and the children have learned to go without many things that are taken for granted in other areas , ’ she said .
4 Labour 's ‘ radical ’ plans are to be welcomed for the vision they bring of the kind of urban public transport that is more or less taken for granted in western Europe .
5 Quantification is usually taken for granted in social dialectology , but it is not used in some other branches of sociolinguistics ( for example , those researches that follow Gumperz 's model ) , and there can be disputes about whether or not it should be used in given instances .
6 The concept of the market has frequently been taken for granted in social analysis and in the construction of social theory .
7 He singled out for particular attention the concepts of cause and effect , which we use and take for granted in everyday life , which are central to scientific study , and which were also essential to the theological argument from causality .
8 Both products do calculations and supply a huge range of built in statistical and engineering functions .
9 WITH the continent the way it is , the end of Made in Latin America ( BBC-2 ) was inevitable .
10 Groups have been sort of defined in different types of groups .
11 Er of the other seventy percent , er about twenty five percent of that will be from bought in finished material , from companies in the U K.
12 Research excellence in concentrated in certain institutions across a broad range of fields .
13 This credit upgrading , coupled with a general accord on economic co-operation , was expected to resulted in Italian investments of at least $500,000,000 .
14 10 March , receives support from the fieldsportsmen , the same people who in hunting counties , encourage foxes to bred in artificial earths , thus producing an increase in foxes which is a contributory factor in the decline of the hare ( being 20 per cent to 30 per cent of the rural foxes ' diet ) !
15 I do n't think we are talking about kept in reasonable health dear I think it is a question of living in an environment which does not genuinely support over any sensible period of time normal human life .
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