Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Given the success of this system to date , it is likely that firms will press for much wider adoption of this strategy for pollution control in the United States ( refer to section 8.11 ) .
2 Abelson regards the use of ‘ Fax ’ machines as an aid to the working of invisible colleges , due to the rapid transmission , and the potential for much higher image quality .
3 The Report also called for much stricter consent conditions for each works and explored the desirability of transferring sewage loadings either within the catchment or by diversion to the Edinburgh sewerage system .
4 This suggests that there will be a need for much greater government action if age discrimination is to be reduced .
5 At the same time the severity of the recession led to demands for much greater state intervention in industry .
6 We argued for much greater prominence to be given to the potential of genuine pupil-pupil collaboration , and less to low-level writing , reading and drawing tasks .
7 I mean what I would ideally like is the society in which women could be both private and public people , and men too , so men would identify more with relationships in their families and so on and slightly less with work , and women less with the family and more with work , and I think that would make for much greater flexibility all round and I think children would benefit too .
8 Such variation reflects as much on the Authority 's style and the quality of its thinking as it does on the heads , and there is a clear need for much greater dialogue between the two levels .
9 For example , the 1959 Mental Health Act indicated the need for much greater expansion of the community care services for the mentally ill and mentally handicapped .
10 I was struck too by the way in which we started the programme by considering the dangers of the situation and there 's no doubt that that 's correct , but it is important to say , perhaps the most important thing is that the end of is n't in the Soviet Union and the break up of the Soviet Empire is an enormously positive event for all of us , for the citizens of the Soviet Union and for us in the West it gives the opportunity for much greater stability , real stability , peace and prosperity then ever existed under the old regime .
11 The restructuring has not only provided the opportunity to gather the best of our expertise at the new centres and better serve our clients through local offices but will also provide for much greater efficiency and make us better placed to meet the ever changing demands of the 90s .
12 This allows for much quicker execution of instructions .
13 The chairman of the Police Federation is calling for much tougher action to deal with young offenders .
14 Tracks make for much easier travelling in thick jungle , and the soft soil greatly aids silent movement .
15 I am impressed tonight to see how much we agree about the position there and on the need for much stronger action than has been taken so far .
16 The Criminal Justice Act will allow for much longer supervision of sex offenders after they are released from gaol .
17 It makes for much neater charting to assume that there are no overlaps but this defeats one of the main purposes of the chart .
18 It was increasingly argued that the international capitalist order had-had its day and that post-war recovery would be achieved rather differently , through much greater State involvement .
19 There was a secret , suspect taste for girls of rather better background than oneself : hypergamy — marrying upward — a Fifties custom extensively explored in Osborne 's play Look Back In Anger . ’
20 Our Friday debates tend to be of rather higher quality than some of our midweek debates and all hon. Members who have spoken so far — and , I am sure , those who will follow me — have spoken to a high standard and have contributed to a serious debate on this important issue .
21 Alexander 's career as an architect depends largely on stylistic evidence from Lincoln Cathedral itself and also from close links with work at Worcester Cathedral of rather earlier date .
22 He gave an indistinct signal towards the sideboard and a bottle of rather sweeter pudding wine .
23 The Fair Employment Commission was set up because of the disadvantage experienced by Northern Ireland Catholics in terms of greatly higher unemployment rates , lower participation rates in the more prestigious better-paid jobs and much greater participation in insecure or poorly paid jobs .
24 Dr Thomas Arnold in 1836 described him as a man of incomparably greater genius than any of the Anglican divines and theologians , and to have given a far truer and more edifying picture of Christianity .
25 These collections , in addition to having work of a distinctly ‘ local ’ , that is to say geographical , concentration have , in many cases , manuscripts and printed works of much wider significance in the fields of social development , religious beliefs , technological innovation , the functioning of particular industries , and so on .
26 For example , in the provisions for extension of time , an extension may be given if the works are delayed for any reason beyond the control of the contractor ( a clause of much wider scope , incidentally , than in other JCT contracts ) , and the contractor is not required to provide information to assist the supervising officer in making an extension .
27 The superstructure was practically of sesquiplane configuration , the upper mainplane being of much wider span than the lower .
28 However in the circumstances which I will relate , the appeals have also raised two questions of much wider importance .
29 Only when touch sensitivity and vision are added to them will they become capable of much wider application , but then , of course , their cost will be higher .
30 Late complications were of much greater concern and arose in eight patients ( 20% ) at a median of 3.3 months ( range 0.25–12 ) from the initial insertion .
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