Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that some journalists are greedy and ask for rather more samples than they require , but this is not the norm and these people are soon sniffed out .
2 Those of us who witnessed the touch-and-go progress of an ultimately triumphant War and Peace — recorded by Philips for release early next year — feared for the future of the rest , but as Gergiev puts it ‘ that which makes me incredibly proud is that I announced these things and they happened ’ — and , one might add , that inspiration was to hand for rather more performances than the fiercely self-critical Gergiev might admit .
3 We stayed at John Bannon 's Hotel in Manali Orchards for rather more time than we had intended .
4 The use of time out from direct managerial responsibilities , and a system of rotation for perhaps several weeks at a time , would ensure the practitioner could concentrate on developing a clinical teaching role without the burdens of service demands .
5 What is serious about so much school work generally is that so frequently it seems to fail to have any deep effect on life outside the classroom .
6 Perhaps part of the fascination of movies has always been that they trigger off so many memories but what is interesting about so much film-making in the 1920s is that movies are so closely associated with that age of the masses that had come at the end of one century and the beginning of another .
7 As regards the salaries of the U S A we 've read and seen about so many companies that pay sky-high for v various salaries and other schemes , we do n't want that in this country but we do want a degree of evenness and I would repeat as somebody has already said , that your salary has gone up fifty six percent which is very , very high .
8 How could one live with someone , love someone to distraction and be blind or , at least , allow oneself to be kept in the dark about so many things ?
9 They 'd talked , in a lazy , desultory fashion , about so many things that she 'd lost track .
10 and I keep on saying that I 've said it like about so many things when we 're at home and she goes , what is this you always saying well with everything .
11 It is , in fact , impossible for management to have a direct , personal feeling and knowledge about so many business environments .
12 Damp , cold , rot , decrepitude are as ‘ natural ’ in St Ann 's as is the smoky atmosphere : for all most people know , they have been sent by Providence and must be endured .
13 It is not for long that death is less difficult , the histories of self and other lost , and consciousness unconflicted .
14 It was early in the season yet , and he probably had long periods of inactivity to fill up between visitors ; but he was not going to be left at leisure for long this time , for in the gravelled car park outside the enclosure a large bus was just disgorging a load of loud and active schoolboys , shepherded by a frantic youth hardly older than the eldest of his charges .
15 Do you think there 's enough of it in the educational profession , or do you think that one ought to go in for much more evaluation ?
16 You think about perhaps another example Host Host is n't a key task is it ?
17 The battle was also a landmark in the conduct of the war , for henceforth both sides dug in and a complex line of trenches soon stretched from the North Sea to the Swiss frontier .
18 This suggests that the likes of Playboy , Mayfair and so on are not considered indecent by the law ( or , at least , their covers are not , for only that part of the material which is ‘ exposed to view ’ is covered by this particular law ) .
19 These workshops were responsible for only that part of the production process or those components of the final product most sensitive to labour cost differentials , and have been located principally in South-East Asia and parts of Latin America ( Grunwald and Flamm , 1985 ) .
20 For only that morning , she had read in the paper a case of a man , and not an old man , who had dropped dead in the street of some heart complaint .
21 Mr Probyn can be held at Gloucester police station for only another hour without either being taken to court or released .
22 For only this use of ‘ perceive ’ exhibits the supposed philosophical truth that perceiving is a matter of being causally affected by something .
23 If legislative controls are used developing sophisticated clinical practice guidelines for only those procedures with high cost and high variability , and requiring those guidelines to apply to all providers and payers , would be a healthy start .
24 It may be that it 's time to look again , even though this new rule has been enforced for only these elections , at this particular method of positive discrimination .
25 Avgas works out at abut twenty per cent cheaper there than the UK , but at around 34 litres per hour for a C172 or a AA5 , that accounts for only some £4 of the differential .
26 The specialized frugivores are , in general , foraging for only a short period of the day — in the cases of manikins and cotingas , for only some 10% of the daylight hours .
27 He said , impressed by the growing co-operation between so many businesses and their local communities .
28 Everyone knows Margaret as she travelled between so many departments .
29 Given the opportunity , could so many electors have chosen intelligently between so many candidates ?
30 Expressing thanks for the gift said , ‘ Our success is due to the close co-operation between so many people — shipping agents , hauliers , the Port Authority , to name just a few , with whom we have formed great friendships and partnerships over the years .
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