Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 In key respects the views of Whitehall coincided with those of the Central Electricity Board , which had for long felt that its own , indirect control of power station construction was inadequate .
2 Irrespective of the precise role of linearity in the Hebrew notion of time , it was for long assumed that the eschatological nature of that concept greatly influenced , by way of Christianity , the development of our modern idea of time 's unidirectional non-cyclic nature .
3 Lakatos 's rhetoric , then , does not leave room for much doubt that he wished to defend a rationalist position and deplored the relativist position .
4 Althusser therefore criticizes the Annales historians for merely arguing that periodizations differ for different times , and that each time has its own rhythms .
5 Might the Mr Chairman I was just wondering if it 's worth just mentioning that the , since the Redhill Airport proposal which does include a privately funded motorway link erm point erm has gone to and has been called in to the determination I believe by the Minister , but er we are sort of pending er holding our horses until that er er is nearer the time is that not perhaps
6 In fact , it is particularly important for any popular movement to avoid the all-too-tempting trap of merely asserting that the law is what we would like it to be .
7 He is also fiercely protective of that unbeaten record despite constantly saying that he 's only in boxing for the money .
8 And then she kind of jumped into this absurd thing of suddenly saying that meant that all women were housewives , and that wages for housework was the thing that united all women . ’
9 It 's er a comment on the inability of some people right , t to distinguish to the human of animals of perhaps suggesting that humans are really more important .
10 So it 's really a case of just ensuring that the T G I manual does cover all a , it , it needs to state where it takes over from the procedure and then it needs to ensure that it covers everything from there on about T G I , because erm , just from thinking through some of the other procedures , I mean , it does n't , T G I does n't come into the costing , or at least it 's got it 's own costings .
11 There should be such a requirement in Britain , instead of just relying that we are about these orders er on the o o on the er auditors er them that that that the the themselves .
12 If we analyse the street-comer activity of doing nothing in groups in the light of always hoping that something will happen , then the creation and the putting into effect of ‘ ideas ’ by the group can be seen as one of the most significant group experiences .
13 Mr Patten spent much of yesterday emphasising that he wanted to respect local decisions , and that once the regions and his department had worked out overall allocations , it was for local electorates to decide where they put the bricks and mortar .
14 And from that moment on there would be absolutely no way of ever proving that the whole thing had been faked .
15 The large value of also indicates that the pulsar has a surface magnetic flux density of 1.3x10 12 G , about two orders of magnitude greater than any other cluster pulsar and more typical of pulsars in the galactic plane .
16 This way of putting it at least has the merit of correctly suggesting that Heisenberg 's procedure was closer to the way in which people were used to thinking about dynamics .
17 When that happens , it is not a question of simply saying that money should be poured into the organisation as a remedy .
18 For example , one stage may produce local regions of high shear that can themselves be unstable .
19 We need to shift to the procedure that we would probably have and a tell me if I 'm wrong I thought there was a sort of general agreement without it being sort of firmly agreed that we were going to go for a format of subject specific reports still coming to form tutor who would complete some sort of general report , is that
20 He made a similar point about a rise in salary for municipal employees : there was no possibility of seriously debating that unless the local Assembly knew what they might otherwise spend the money on , and what the total budget for the municipalities was — and information on both points was not forthcoming .
21 This hardly inspires confidence in the system , and emphasises the problem of actually proving that inside information was used , or showing when information stops being ‘ unpublished ’ and is widely known about .
22 No human is capable of truly knowing that they are not immortal , that someday the I that seemed eternal will cease , save in one moment ; the moment before true death .
23 The tremolo took all the abuse I could possibly muster against it and I can for once say that retuning the guitar was not necessary as a result — absolutely solid as a rock .
24 We must be grateful to those who did visit the island and for ever regret that it was not included in Dr. Johnson 's itinerary .
25 We must be grateful to those who did visit the island and for ever regret that it was not included in Dr. Johnson 's itinerary .
26 No , whoever caught him hunting for more knew that there was more there to be found — knew it because he himself had come out as soon as he dared , to remove whatever was there to a place of greater safety .
27 It is with deep regret that , on behalf of Athletico Whaddon Football Club , I have to report the death of club chairman , Mr Ken Mentle .
28 It is with deep regret that I report the death of Mr Frank Sinclair of Bishop 's Castle .
29 It is with deep regret that we announce the death of one of our first members , Fred Fisher at the age of 79 years .
30 It was with deep regret that I had to leave for home later that evening .
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