Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] will have " in BNC.

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1 Bureaucracy for them will have two important dimensions .
2 Apart from albums , there are over 100 singles released every week in Britain , and only five to ten of them will have much commercial success .
3 Thousands of young people will be spending this Christmas on the streets because they have no home to go to , and over a third of them will have spent most of their childhood in care .
4 Unless today 's firms learn to manage for profit , not just for the revenue generated by the next deal , it is a fair bet that in fewer years than that many of them will have gone the same way .
5 To add to its headaches , 500,000 people are expected to arrive today and four fifths of them will have to be turned away amid massive traffic jams precipitated by a railway strike in the area .
6 We do not know which , if any , of them will have the desired results . ’
7 Each of them will have its own integrity , its own remit and its belief in its own purpose .
8 Whether or not they expected it when they were first elected , nearly all of them will have learned to accept ant to derive fulfilment from the ‘ welfare ’ function .
9 For instance , it is estimated that around 1m of the 1.7m new jobs forecast for the mid 1990s will be in the professional and managerial areas , and demographics suggest that a substantial proportion of them will have to be filled by women .
10 Maybe it wo n't , and my father says it 'll be over in six months anyway , so none of them will have to go . ’
11 But Cantona was bought to score goals and excite United 's impoverished fans , so one of them will have to make way against neighbours City at Old Trafford .
12 These will need to be defined , and then some means of assembling a list of them will have to be found .
13 But some of them will have been men who lived permanently within their lord 's gates , his closest companions , who , after several years ' service , might hope to be rewarded with fiefs .
14 After about 3 weeks , more of the larvae will have turned into pupae and some of them will have hatched into adults .
15 MdBs generally stand high in public esteem — higher than our own MPs — and half of them will have entered the Bundestag by way of party lists .
16 First , is it inevitable that political parties , not voters , should rank candidates on their lists , and thus decide which of them will have the best chances of being elected ?
17 So having four children , one of them will have P K U , but all the others wo n't , they will be normal .
18 You will find that all of these will help , but perhaps one of them will have better results for you than the other two .
19 ‘ But it 's going to put an awful lot of island people to a lot of trouble , and it will mean many hundreds of them will have to wait even longer for jobs now . ’
20 Now the whole bloody lot of them will have gone to ground and the gods know when we 'll get another chance like this . ’
21 May I inform him , as he has not answered my question , that the same careers service says that nothing has changed and that the same number of young people will not get YTS places , that many of them are fed up with turning up , only to be told that nothing is available and that the continued recession and closures mean that hundreds of them will have nothing to do ?
22 When we get to 12 o'clock , some of them will have waited for three hours .
23 Erm so we still that in general erm males have potential for greater reprodu reproductive success than females , but erm this , this does n't actually , they do n't always er actualize their potential because erm some do there 's a great difference among males and erm just some of them will have great er large numbers of offspring , whereas other males might not have any at all .
24 Still most of them will have picked up a bob or two out of their transfers to Leeds .
25 ‘ By the year 2000 , over 13 million women will have been affected , and about four million of them will have died . ’
26 Most of them will have to play in our remaining games .
27 These poor people have done no harm to anybody and a lot of them will have fought wars for a lot of these same people who are now deciding to put them out of their homes in the twilight of their lives .
28 At least one of them will have the whippier shaft which , I suspect , might in itself go a long way to doing the trick . ’
29 However , far from benefiting from this measure , the people of the south-east of England will also suffer at the hands of Chancellor Norman Lamont through increased fuel bills which many of them will have difficulty in paying as , contrary to popular myth , the south-east does not consist entirely of rich people .
30 In three years times all of the new C P O's will have been on courses and probably most of them will have been on A L O courses .
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