Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] is the " in BNC.

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1 What is sociologically interesting about them is the assumptions that underlie what they say about themselves , and what image they are trying to project .
2 In any case , Payne and Prudential 's Rodney Dennis both say they want brokers ' research , and dealing through them is the way they get it .
3 They vary in standard enormously but the one thing that shines through them is the enthusiasm of people for their railways .
4 More important for them is the other alternative which can follow the first primitive stage : feudalism .
5 What is more of a worry for them is the damage that may ensue from a significant and hostile minority which now feels entitled to speak its mind .
6 It 's an indictment on our society that The Porch is regarded as their home , and we 're only open for five hours a day , and yet they regard us as their family , and what we the servers are for them is the parents that they lack .
7 Often , the main obstacle between them is the prospect of dealing with forbidding galleries charging forbidding commission fees .
8 The space between them is the third dimension .
9 You may think that thick and thin Ethernet differ in size , but the main difference between them is the ranges they can cover : a thick Ethernet cable can be 500m long , whereas its skinny relative can only manage 150m .
10 A number of support centres are spread around and between them is the support network .
11 That for me is the ideal copy ’ .
12 The biggest change for me is the Michelin tyres and I have had to learn to get the best from them .
13 Most powerful for me is the tragic loss that the chess world — both living and generations to come — has suffered through Fischer 's self imposed 20 years exile .
14 She says I think the greatest problem for me is the mornings — having to work early — starting work at half past seven — there is n't a bus as early as that , leaving from Langford village into Bicester — so normally I have to walk it which takes 20-25 minutes — in the cold , which I absolutely hate !
15 Many arguments have been advanced against the death penalty , but the one that has most relevance for me is the fact that in the present state of our society , there is often no certainty that the right man has been convicted .
16 ‘ Tencel 's main appeal for me is the strength of the fibre , the way it drapes , the way it handles and the finishing effects you can get .
17 I 'm quite well out from the ladder because it s at an angle and there in front of me is the wardrobe .
18 Both are gigantic construction projects , needing a large number of people to pass through them to be profitable , and with neither of them is the full return projected for a good few years hence .
19 One of them is the geography of decline .
20 One of them is the law of return ; another is diversification — as against any kind of monoculture ; another is decentralisation , so that some use can be found for even quite inferior resources which it would never be rational to transport over long distances .
21 One of them is the Capline System , a 3-metre diameter line that carries about 700 000 barrels a day across the centre of the country .
22 Aurobindo sees all things as having the same principal of life at different levels , but in all of them is the potentiality and inevitability to reach higher and higher levels .
23 There are of course , certain similarities : one of them is the sustaining pedal which already works very well on a Mozart piano , although you have to use your knees on the earlier ones .
24 Best of them is the young Robert Merrill , who at least manages to extract some expression from Germont 's part .
25 One of them is the host .
26 The children then pretend that one of them is the reflection in the mirror .
27 Europe has its fair share of such operators but the king of them is the Coventry based Atlantic Group who have established themselves under the banner International Task Force .
28 The greatest of them is the state , which has everywhere taken on more and more tasks in recent decades which have swollen its administrative archives .
29 Orc leaders are known as Boss Orcs , but even Boss Orcs fight amongst themselves to decide which of them is the overall leader .
30 Not the least of them is the choral and orchestral contribution of what we surely should now again be able to call the Maryinsky Theatre .
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