Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's never been any kind of attraction between me and To — ’ She stopped , seeing the darkness in his eyes and understanding it .
2 Nevertheless , we still make certain assumptions about them and about our relationship to them , otherwise we would simply not know how to orient ourselves towards the language , or what to say .
3 You may snort and think that this is very far-fetched but you can be assured that the majority of lecturers who appear before you not only know their subjects but are enthusiastic about them and about transmitting their knowledge to you .
4 Erm , but we 're told this interesting thing about them , mainly that , er about them and about us as well , that their true self is not their current bodily condition .
5 He was worried about them and by the time he came down the gang had gone .
6 He tends not to formulate and face the difficulties that he encounters sufficiently rigorously , and erm to on the whole get away with difficulties by the skilful way in which he writes about them and by his wit .
7 In these least months of 1978 almost all the golden people of Iran and international wheeler-dealers who had fed off them and with them have vanished — westward .
8 No but Lisa says enough bad things about me and about Billy so I want Billy to hear , so hear er ah .
9 If a Simulium black fly is infected with nematode worms , their larvae migrate into its muscles , then into its salivary glands , and finally , when it feeds from a host , pass out of its mouthparts or burst out through them and into the mammal host .
10 A very early one is by Donald Munro , Dean of the Isles , who travelled through them and in 1594 published a " Description of the Western Isles " which is almost literally just that , with a full list of the small islands round the coast , but an edition by R. W. Munro in 1961 after a further manuscript had been found gives a description of Finlaggan , a photograph not previously published and a list of those who constituted the council of the Lords of the Isles .
11 A very early one is by Donald Munro , Dean of the Isles , who travelled through them and in 1594 published a " Description of the Western Isles " which is almost literally just that , with a full list of the small islands round the coast , but an edition by R. W. Munro in 1961 after a further manuscript had been found gives a description of Finlaggan , a photograph not previously published and a list of those who constituted the council of the Lords of the Isles .
12 But fortunately the dice are almost always loaded in their favour , and if we decide to fight with them the end result , for them and for us , can be that ‘ Out of this nettle , danger , we pluck this flower , safety ’ .
13 It can be equally disastrous for them and for others if they make a permanent arrangement on impulse and encourage a relative or friend to give up their own home and move in with them because they are under stress and feel that they may not be able to continue to live alone .
14 Powerful voluntary organisations such as MENCAP ( the Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults ) and the Spastics Society have helped to raise political and public awareness of the needs of children with disabilities and have fought hard and on the whole successfully to secure better services for them and for their families .
15 Michael Morpurgo , speaking as an ex-teacher as well as an author , supported Mr Rosen with a series of vehement statements which reflected a passionate commitment to the independence of teachers to choose books that were right for them and for their pupils .
16 How she wished she could do more for them and for her mother .
17 She rested her head against Seb 's back as , arms clasped tightly about his waist , she listened to him telling her of what the future held for them and for their family .
18 Tirana home service radio initially denounced the hunger strike as having " nothing to do with a loyal strike struggle " , but in subsequent days the radio detailed the hunger strikers ' demands and deteriorating health , and by June 1 had swung round to emotional support for them and for the UITUA .
19 For them and for some of the new workers of the industrial revolution in the Midlands and North , the acts brought an era of " secret unionism " .
20 Publicising the campaign in Glasgow , Mr Salmond said the campaign was intended ‘ to give people confidence in independence , to show how it would work for them and for Scotland , and to highlight the increasing level of discontent in the Union . ’
21 ‘ We were also able to change the specification of one of our products in a way that is beneficial for them and for us and has taken several hundred thousand pounds of cost out of the combined operations .
22 She never knew them , she pined for them and for the better life they might have had together .
23 But like I said if it if you , if you do that then it 's for them and for yourself but them being up your arse is irritating if you just fucking carry on as if nothing had happened , but you 're aware of the th them doing that then I think it 's a fucking I 've that 's a psychological edge over them anyway it 's just the personalities obviously , but er
24 The government should express the will of the people — ; act for them and with them .
25 If they were to live in peace it was necessary , he said , that the Indians should have a country set apart for them and in that country they must stay .
26 But the size of the garden became too much for them and in 1980 they moved to Timbercroft , in the centre of the village .
27 The desire for such rewards motivates people to compete for them and in theory the most talented will win through .
28 My Lords , er would my Noble Friend , subjects are nevertheless best taught by those who have a sympathy for them and in the light of the fact that eighty per cent of er school pupils in the primary sector are taught , th all subjects by the same teacher .
29 Ewood Park is a lucky ground for them and in the first half they went for Blackburn with all guns blazing .
30 The Soviet Union considered the essence of their proposals as an attempt to resolve the problems and differences in relations between the ASEAN and Indo-Chinese states ‘ by means of a direct dialogue between them and without any outside interference ’ .
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