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1 The main difference between them is that private media are used mainly to transmit commercial data and documents , often under conditions of extreme security , while public ( mass ) media are used mainly to broadcast ‘ entertainment ’ , always under conditions of the greatest visibility to the paying public .
2 Bürger in such a context would assimilate both ‘ realist ’ and ‘ modernist ’ art to autonomous and bourgeois art , the only distinction between them being that modernism with its inaccessibility and greater cult of the creator is even more autonomous , more ‘ auratic ’ , than realism .
3 The trouble for me is that — as happens with so many western writers on eastern topographical themes — it feels grafted on , retrospectively interpreted to give a quasi-authentic mystico-intellectual gloss , rather than profoundly integrated , even throughout what St. Augustine terms the ‘ vital dimension of approach . ’
4 There er twenty one Sharon and I think that might be a bit on the generous side so you 've got to come back next and do the weather forecast for me is that all right ?
5 There are no doubt many reasons for this ; one of them is that unspoken , perhaps sometimes subconscious , prejudice remains deeply ingrained in many management structures .
6 One of the most significant of them is that British manufacturing is in decline .
7 One of them is that expertise conveys the ability to help with public decision making .
8 There are a variety of reasons for this , but one of them is that buying and selling shares is considered not only to be something for the rich but also to be very complex .
9 One of them , this is not the first in the but one of them is that democracy may well throw up unworthy rulers .
10 One of them was that of Matine Remilien , who in July had co-founded Louvri Baye ( Open the Gates ) , a pro-Aristide party .
11 no just because of they 're that type , they do n't take any notice of anybody
12 The irony of it is that Hawkeye was the progenitor of every Western hero , down to John Wayne in The Searchers , who by that time is a racist .
13 The essence of it is that information is material if it is likely to make a difference in user evaluations of financial statements .
14 The understanding of it is that .
15 So there are , there are problems with this sort of policy in terms of , of the , like the economic logic of it is that yes you go for a rich peasant economy which creates inequalities which will provide you with industrialization , which will then enable you to get back to inequalities but , in term back to equality
16 A peculiar light seemed shed over everything , by dint of it being that house and no other !
17 Later I thought it through and decided a big part of it was that , although he was coining it from the teds , I think he felt he was seen — by his peers — as an artistic cretin .
18 One of the best aspects of it was that gay men and lesbians were represented in almost equal numbers .
19 Neither of us is that irresponsible ! ’
20 Those of us who did n't join up until 1943 , either because we were too young or like me in a reserved occupation , did n't really stand much chance of promotion , not unless we were absolutely brilliant and not many of us were that .
21 Alright well , generally then I think from hearing what you 're saying , erm , some good points , some perhaps things that you 'd do differently next time , and then what it obviously says about you is that , you 're all managers and you all have different styles , and you possibly do things in different ways .
22 Now as we go on I 'd just like to bring in another er thought for you is that view-graph correct ?
23 More importantly for for you is that would I be taking a hell of a chance in putting Patrick into selling advertising when the background there is is not necessarily there erm tell me why I should ?
24 The only other er notice I 've got for you is that tomorrow I forgot to put it on the notices tomorrow we 've got a lot of visitors in school there 's about er thirty five of them coming over who are likely to be joining us in the lower sixth next September er lessons with the lower sixth to find out what erm what lessons are like you know okay .
25 What you going to say about something that 's important a solution for you is that something you 'd like to do ?
26 The reasoning behind it being that she would not be able to come to terms with the notion of her mother being dead , so by removing her from the place where the tragedy had occurred and allowing enough time to pass , she would better be able to come to terms with her loss .
27 the lady who was singing with them was that
28 And the last question I want to raise with you is that erm how do you feel about your initial problem on pricing ?
29 The only problem with it is that very often we , the people that organize the Neighbourhood Watches already live in areas that do n't really need one that much .
30 What you have to instill in them is that losing is insulting to their pride .
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