Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] can only " in BNC.

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1 The form for Swindon can only get better ; the games are coming thick and fast .
2 Shaikh Saad urged Kuwaitis to overcome their political differences and promised , in what was widely believed to be a reference to the restoration of the 1962 constitution , that " the people of Kuwait can only be rewarded for their trust and loyalty by further trust " .
3 Does my hon. Friend agree that the people of Ulster can only benefit in future from a more highly skilled work force ?
4 Please remember local branches of NCT can only continue with voluntary support , please try to help !
5 A symptomatic reading is therefore a condition of a symptomatic reading , and an interpretation of Marx can only be judged in terms of its internal coherence .
6 Pizzorno argues that the modern underdevelopment of the south of Italy can only be understood in terms of the historical relationship of area to the locations of power and productivity by which it has been dominated and to which it has been marginal .
7 It was only a club game … sadly no league points to be won but victory over a side like Cardiff can only bring good to Gloucester … they went into the lead with two penalties from martin roberts …
8 Workers in a place like Spiralynx can only be organised if there is an explosion of anger and discontent inside the factory strong enough for a large number of workers to take a stand , at the risk of losing their own jobs .
9 One swim I know on the Hampshire Avon near Ringwood can only be fished on a quiet day , when few other anglers are around .
10 But anyone who has been in close contact with Woody can only support him . ’
11 The entry into Jerusalem can only have been made with the calculated design of identifying himself , very specifically in the eyes of the populace , with the expected Messiah — in other words , with the rightful king , the ‘ anointed one ’ .
12 The arrangements proposed in Maastricht can only lead to the eventual fusion of the various pillars .
13 Receiving mercy from God can only mean that it will overflow , as a full cup runs over .
14 Rex and Tomlinson ( 1979 ) are clear that the position of ethnic minorities and the conflicts that surround race and ethnicity in Britain can only be understood in the light of Britain 's imperial past and the recent collapse of empire ; ‘ a serious sociological analysis of race relations problems must rest upon a concept of the social structure of Empire and of the class formations which occur within it ’ ( p. 286 ) .
15 And the example set by Chanel Plus in France can only improve his chances of success in England .
16 We 're in Europe , our role in Europe can only increase .
17 Edinburgh 's continued success as a growth capital within Europe can only be planned on a city region scale .
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