Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Strangely inferior , somehow , for Churchill to have placed so much trust in .
2 Now he acknowledged to himself that his admiration for Sarah had caused him to overlook young Martha 's attractions .
3 At the end of World War II , GCHQ , as GCCS had become , moved from its wartime headquarters at Bletchley Park , north of London , to Cheltenham , where it swiftly sprawled over two large sites — Oakley and Benhall .
4 CA-Unicenter for HP-UX has performed so well at four major beta sites says Islandia , New York-based Computer Associates International Inc , that the company is bringing the systems management product for mission-critical applications forward and it will now be generally available in the first quarter of 1993 .
5 My word , that 's very true , ’ and turned with relief to Fribble , who was trying to explain about their journey and about Medoc having taken Tara .
6 Gloria said , ‘ If you want to use the Smiths ' swimming pool , ’ — for Nutty had told her quite plainly that she did — ‘ friday night is your night .
7 Okay if I could say good evening and welcome to the theatre this evening the reason the meeting has been convened this evening quite clearly is part of the process and art structure for Harlow having undertaken by the Council , the Playhouse is keen as it says quite clearly on the leaflet is to get the publics view on how best to plan this programme and it 's , and facilities for the future .
8 But hopes of seeing Dublin-born Leicestershire batman Justin Benson in action for Munster have evaporated as he is tied up with Leicestershire 's Second XI next Thursday and Friday in the hope of being selected for Leicestershire 's three-day match against Australia .
9 Life for Ginger had become a roller-coaster but she was a survivor .
10 Alone in the dining room — for Twomey had stopped softly jangling spoons and forks and fitting plates each to each , and gone , quietly as his shadow — Nicandra 's mind became a perfect blank .
11 For Twomey to have erred in any way was unthinkable .
12 Support for MacDonald had remained strong among some of the 200,000 Navajo and violence broke out during a protest march on his behalf in Window Rock on July 22 ; two men died and nine were wounded when police opened fire .
13 And the number for March had gone down to single figures .
14 There was a pause on the line long enough for Pascoe to have taken a nap .
15 Franca observed sadly , but without surprise , that her strange feeling of love for Patrick had waned and finally abated as he continued steadily to come to life .
16 Right so on on top of all this , we 've actually got as Sue 's mentioned quite a few times , we 've actually got to keep the damn thing afloat , well after introducing all this .
17 By 1986 support for Husayn had fallen to 3.3 per cent .
18 As Gittins has put it , ‘ The commonsense notion that all families in the past were much more solidaristic and stable institutions can not be borne out — death saw to that ’ ( Gittins , 1985 , p. 9 ) .
19 The inability of O'Neill and Chichester-Clark to satisfy those demands without destabilizing the state had created the very condition that people such as Paisley had argued had obtained from the first : the rise of old-fashioned nationalist anti-partitionism .
20 The other alleged threat to democracy has been a threat to local democracy , as LEAs have lost their power to control the secular curriculum in their schools .
21 A second attempt by Admiral Rodney to attack the transports at Le Havre had found the defences there too strong for his bomb-vessels to get within range , while a storm off Dunkirk had enabled a French squadron shut up in the port to make its escape .
22 Meantime Berndt gushed with the oil of social graces , pouring her a glass of wine she had no intention of drinking , ( she remembered the Tjerssens as Friend had shown her them , smiling as they gave you ruby venom ) , pouting when she refused his macaroons .
23 Its completely out of character for Rocky to have said this … probably some 3rd rate hack cornered him just after he 'd learnt hed been dropped .
24 A British submarine on patrol off Crete had come across several Greek caiques or schooners of around 100 tons and known to be carrying German troops , petrol and ammunition .
25 In between Kylie had enjoyed success in a few other minor television roles .
26 The hedges were as Antony had described them .
27 In the 50th minute he produced an instinctive finish from six yards after Walters had driven in a fierce low cross .
28 The Pakistan seamer put his money on the table and said : ‘ The fact is we have nothing to hide , and I think it is more than coincidence that all the complaints have come after England have lost .
29 Biologists who have come after Darwin have tended to focus upon the role of competition in driving evolution .
30 All vegetation was dying , after July had felt the breath of January .
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