Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Hugh Dalton , MP for Peckham and later to become Attlee 's first Chancellor , had already been chosen to succeed Ben Spoor said to be an alcoholic in the Co Durham constituency .
2 His decision was rewarded by a place in the Championship side , and with 43 and 40 on his debut against Essex , 78 off Sussex and then 76 against Kent , he soon confirmed the high potential recognised by director of cricket Geoff Cook .
3 So , if we advertise the two linked operettas on consecutive nights we shall sell out for Maritza as well . ’
4 Deprived of royal favour , and hounded from Radnorshire politics by his great rivals the Harleys , he sought out a new patron , Thomas Grey , second Earl of Stamford [ q.v. ] , a new parliamentary seat ( first for Breconshire and then as Stamford 's nominee for Bere Alston ) , and a new reputation as an energetic House of Commons man .
5 It might be okay for Nutty and even for a weed like Hoomey with his crass infatuation for the hulking ex-chaser , but for a cool customer like himself it was out of character .
6 ‘ We 're desperately sick for Colin and now the least we can do is make the play-offs and win them for him , ’ said Whittingham .
7 He just brings stuff for Ibrahim and then goes .
8 With the establishment of parish boundaries and other rights , these were increasingly closely defined ; one of the most common medieval records for Sussex as elsewhere is that recording a tithe dispute either between different clergy or priest and laity .
9 I 'm fond of Cora-Beth , very fond , but it is n't the same as I feel for Madeleine and somehow I 'll have to explain that to her .
10 Canada 's selection policy came as a surprise to many observers , with changes made in the side that defeated Fiji in preparation for Romania and yet again in a winning team for the final pool game against France .
11 And we 've got one there for Marcus as well .
12 Faulkner 's local History mentions trout , pike , carp , roach , dace , perch , chub , barbel , smelt , flounder , shad , lamprey and eel all being caught in the river off Chelsea and also records nine salmon weighing 171½ lbs .
13 Medical Officer for Brighton and later to the Local Government Board , where he championed statistical inquiries into infant mortality , Newsholme felt the evangelical revival of the late nineteenth century to have been a potent factor in the social hygiene movement .
14 Disappointment for Oxford , joy for Swindon and perhaps a few more converts to Rugby League .
15 I would have waited and bought one off Gary and then he would n't have been able to go up would he ?
16 It was involved in an accident in Warwickshire and was then followed along the M-6 and down the M-1 through Northamptonshire and then Buckinghamshire .
17 Not surprisingly , as with her tennis , she relied more on accuracy , control and skill than power , as she reached a handicap of +2 and won honours first for Surrey and then for her beloved Scotland .
18 I do n't know how much to take , I might take ten pounds worth or something , I do n't need that much why , I need some money for Saturday as well do n't I ? , should n't need that much though
19 It was also a problem for David as well because he was n't getting any gigs and he was n't doing any recording work .
20 ‘ They 'll have this wood chopped down for Beanos as soon as you can say market forces . ’
21 ‘ It would be different for Jeff as well if he had a job here , but he 's just on holiday .
22 He poured a cup of watered wine for Corbett and then joined him , sipping carefully while studying the English clerk .
23 So that 's , was that for Neil as well ?
24 Would there be a fee involved , I mean I ask not only for me but for Ivan as well since he lives in Devon .
25 What about Neil as well ?
26 Ardura : A texturised nylon cloth with high tear and abrasion resistance , woven exclusively for Berghaus and specially coated to improve water resistance .
27 He believed there was a future for Swanage and therefore he had striven for a great number of years to improve it — ( laughter ) — but he was very glad that those who came from afar were pleased and satisfied .
28 You want to talk about Standlake as well ?
29 He 'd waited for Lucy but then , when she had n't come out alone , he 'd stayed well back in the shadows .
30 This may be true in the rise of European nationalism , although the need for a uniform language arises also because of the competition between States and therefore the drive to establish single national markets .
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