Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] on [conj] " in BNC.

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1 for ever on and nearly ever .
2 You may find it hard , at first , to remember not to tap the ‘ Enter ’ key so frequently , but it is an important habit to get into for later on when you will want to change the format of your documents .
3 Sorry Mr , can can we can we leave that for later on when we talk about .
4 It is , however , the way in which unemployment evolves from now on that will really put Britain 's labour-market reforms of the 1980s to the test .
5 And it will be company policy from now on that it 'll be every two years .
6 As most of the considerations discussed below do not depend on whether indexing is full or partial , the reader should assume from now on that partial indexing is being discussed .
7 If only every night could be like this , from now on and for ever .
8 Those who missed it should start putting a few pennies away each week from now on and book the second weekend in September in their advance diaries , so that they have no excuse to miss Keele 1994 .
9 Well , I can tell you something ; I 'm on my own in this house from now on and I shall see to her bathing , and should he attempt to stop me , I 've told him what I 'll do ; I 'll brain him with the first thing I get my hands on .
10 Well yes yes and Sarah will nip down as well and then Sarah was then getting used to doing , she started getting used to doing it and that was it I used to come out and say well no I 'll look after the bar from now on and that 's it , and er
11 She added : ‘ From now on though it is staying firmly on my finger .
12 Other gaelic flavoured news this week includes the revelation that THE EDGE will be spending a lot more time poncing about in Tie-Rack cravats and spouting epigrams from now on as he 's just purchased OSCAR WILDE 's old gaff .
13 Since there was no meat left now , the ration from now on until the supplies were exhausted would consist of one handful of either rice or dal and one of flour per person , the men being given a more generous helping than the women and children .
14 Now , what they try and do is finish at the end of this term , so you 've got from now on until , mid- January to , to revise erm , but you may have
15 Oh yeah , I mean , they 're gon na have to be from now on cos we 're not gon na be , you know , we 're gon na be responsible
16 It will be assumed from here on that the evolutionary events which provided , for the seekers after truth , that area of knowledge from which modern man could , millions of years later , extract a viable foundation for a Created God , do in fact do that , by providing the substance of an acceptable hypothesis .
17 The DIY was given a lower priority from then on but , even when they were working on the house , the mood changed enormously .
18 From then on until the closure years , both man and dog were seen on many occasions from Swithland signal box and the platform at Rothley Station .
19 His first major undertakings were the erection of Peckwater quadrangle at Christ Church to the design of Aldrich ( 1706–14 ) and the fellows ' building and cloister at Corpus Christi College ( 1706–12 ) ; and from then on until his death , occasionally working in partnership with another Oxford mason , Bartholomew Peisley ( d .
20 She submitted meekly to his expert ministrations as he re-dressed the wound , giving her terse instructions to keep it dry from then on until the stitches were removed .
21 For they belong to the plantation owners from then on and for ever ! ’
22 That old plastic bird appeared on all my ships from then on and became a kind of ship 's mascot , travelling all over the UK with us .
23 ‘ That was an awful time , but hope rose from then on and Tim seemed capable of beating this .
24 they desperately want a child between them and to them a child that is born by the mother but is from a different origin than than the partner is is the next best thing an , and most of the couples , and we do n't advise them that this should all be kept secret , we leave that decision to be something that they will erm , come to later on when the child is older , and many of these couples will decide that this child will be brought as their own biological child , and I do n't really see that as being any different than many relationships where children are conceived out of wedlock , or out , with the relationship and people make a a a decision to keep this erm to themselves .
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