Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] about [num] " in BNC.

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1 In 1946 , when post-war service began , the TV set sat in the corner for most of the time , as the service lasted for only about four hours a day .
2 They stress , however , that this is just an overall industry average and that , as market share accounts for only about 14 per cent of the dispersion of ROI among businesses , other factors need to be considered .
3 This was further reflected by the fact that a third of the MPs did not keep up a house in London , confirmation of roots outside Westminster ; sessions lasted for only about thirty weeks a year and even during session the attendance of backbenchers was sometimes spasmodic .
4 Net immigration during the 1880s accounted for only about 17,000 of the total increase of about 49,000 , and during the last decade of the century all the net gain of about 24,000 people was accounted for by natural growth .
5 In the eighteenth century the majority of garden roses flowered for only about six weeks from the middle of June until the end of July .
6 Oxygen itself has been present in significant amounts in the atmosphere for only about two and a half billion years — just over half the total life of our planet ; and there had already been a billion years of evolution before that .
7 It is for only about two days either side of the time of ovulation that fertilization and conception can take place .
8 The provision of homes for old people by local authorities is still for only about twenty places per thousand old people in an area , and many of these will be for very old and frail disabled people .
9 I say this as and one or two others were there for only about 28 hours recently and used sixty units of electricity … !
10 I believe that the figures that the hon. Lady gave earlier were for regional development grant rather than for regional selective assistance , which has been in existence for only about three years , as she will recall .
11 And that is happening currently with people in schools in Oxford , who come to me for Business Studies , for just about one or two weeks tuition , they then go and pass .
12 He closed it a few months after Maxwell 's paper folded — with a circulation of only about 100,000 .
13 Not only have I used whisky instead of the brandy usually specified in pork and liver pâté recipes , which is a question of only about two , but two important , tablespoons to 1½ lb. of the mixture , but I have resorted also to rum ( white rum is especially useful in the kitchen ) and to gin for the same purpose , and the results have been excellent .
14 The Scientific Committee had in previous years expressed concern about the Dall 's porpoise harpoon fishery , fearing that even the much smaller annual catch may not have been sustainable , since Japanese scientists had calculated a replacement rate of only about 5000 porpoises each year .
15 Altogether there is a population of only about 190 , who live in a scattered community , largely agricultural .
16 The distance from the food source to the hive at which the changeover from round to waggle dance takes place differs between different races of bees ; Apis mellifera lamarcki , for example , do round dances up to distances of only about four yards , whereas Apis mellifera carnica do it up to about 16 yards .
17 Fair Isle is a cliff-bound island of only about five hundred hectares in extent and lies midway between Orkney and Shetland .
18 But when all had been settled , it seemed that Phil could expect a sum of only about six thousand pounds .
19 The adult worm is about 1 millimetre long and consists of only about 1000 body cells and thousands of germ cells .
20 There are not many yews of this age left in Britain ; in fact if the tree is 2,000 years old it 'll be one of only about 40 trees in western Europe to have reached this age .
21 They have shown average production rates of only about 2.5 million cu ft/day ( 70 thousand cu m/day ) each .
22 Mr Ebbert warned that the company would have to continue operating at reduced output levels for the immediate future , even though he expected a modest improvement in total UK new car sales this year — a rise of perhaps about 7 per cent to 1.7 million .
23 Er the County Council 's given us a figure of roughly about twenty five , twenty six thousand .
24 Yes but you see when you get out of here about seven times between half past six and eight o'clock at night
25 So if we could get into groups of maybe about four .
26 You can see that Mars is depleted in H , C and N with respect to the Earth by factors of between about 100 and 1000 .
27 This relationship gives rise to a dipping planar region of seismic activity , known as a Wadati-Benioff zone , inclined at an angle of between about 20 and 55 .
28 This young lad about probably about twenty three , twenty four , and he came in with a cigarette and I said excu excuse me but I 'm afraid it 's a no-smoking area .
29 They will stop , for probably about five seconds maximum , before any one work .
30 er because at that time there was quite a lot , you would get one mill in probably with somewhere about seventy looms in it and there would only b be less than ten of them working .
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